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Whitey how did you do?

Well Whitey, did you tear them up at Franklin Co.

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Mitch I heard that it didn't go very well for Whitey! Might go easy on him for a bit.

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Go easy on him? You must know a different Mitch Beaman! Whitey did go and I didn't so he has nothing to be ashamed of. I was just wondering who did what. Although I would like to sit beside him in the clapping section just once. He does not get skunked too often! See ya Mitch

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Not going to tell my source but his boys name is charlie blake said that whitey used every weapon he had in the bench show to beat him.
If my source is right Curley Robinson won the Derby and David Black won the A.A.

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Mitch you sure missed your chance, Them boys has sent me back to the Drawing board again

Re: Whitey how did you do?

I'll see ya in a little over a week and things will return to normal, at least there will be one guy there you can beat! My cook has to work so I may starve the first two days! You might start feeling sorry for me and my children and think about bringing supper by the camper! See ya Mitch

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Might do that! I almost forget we did win something at the hunt. 50/50 drawing

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Whitey don't think for a minute that I don't know you were baiting them boys up last week with some pups. I know you and Benji as well as the Kearbys have been getting dogs ready for the Classic for at least 2 months. I'm coming but I won't fall in the trap you guys are laying! No wagers here eh. See ya Mitch

Re: Whitey how did you do?

I hope the plan works.EH!

Re: Whitey how did you do?

Whitey, Never mind cloaking your evil intentions in Canadianese. Ted and I speak that language, sort of.

Re: Whitey how did you do?