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Beaver Creek Hunt Club Field Trial at Caskey's July 31st

Beaver Creek Hunt club will be be having its annual field trial at Caskey's in Lancaster,Sc on July 31st.
Hunt will be a one class, 4 hr speed & drive hunt with trophies going to the top 10 hounds along with Big Rock dog food and prizes. $25 entry fee. Hounds will be cast at daylight. I will be giving out numbers, 1-803-984-9203 call before 10:30 please. Ask for Jonathan, if no answer leave a message & I will call you back asap. Club will be serving breakfast & lunch at the pen. Club will also have several raffles going on during the hunt for some great prizes. Pen & game are in awsome shape, & the running is slam wall to wall. We will have plenty of good judges there so your hounds will get seen, this should be a barn burner! Mark this one down in your calendars to be at, it's the 5th Saturday of the month. I hope that everyone who can, will come out & support this hunt. In the past we have had great turnouts with people from NC,GA,& SC. I hope to see everyone there! Thanks, Jonathan Coley