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Big Rock Feed in Hemingway, SC

We now have Big Rock Feed(all kinds) stored in a truck at my house. (Even though the truck that brought it bogged down twice getting it there). For those around Hemingway and in the general area, we will be using it as a distribution point. If you would like to purchase any of the feeds we have set the following prices for the time being.
28/20 (orange)-- $20
26/18 (green) -- $19
24/18 (white) -- $19
21/12 (red) -- $15.50
These prices include the sales tax. We are trying to keep the prices to the minimum as long as we can. For information, or to get feed or directions Call Will or Kylie at (843)558-2973 home. Will's Mobile -(843)382-7381 or Kylie's mobile at (843)382-7841. You can probably get Kylie on her mobile faster during the day that any. We will try to keep some of all kinds there all the time.