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Pups for sale

I have several pups ready to go off Guyotte's Wishbone. One litter off a Terrebonne's Benji gyp and another off a Bonner's Cardiac and High Tan Gibbs gyp.
For info call 318-789-1924

Re: Pups for sale

whats the wishbone dog out of

Re: Pups for sale

Come on now.....Have you been living under a rock? He's a littermate to the hound currently leading the Hound of the Year. The one and only Hurricane Audrey.

Re: Pups for sale

He is out of Canoy's Eli Liq and Guyotte's Cowgirl. He and his littermates are the best hounds I have ever hung a collar on. If you need more info give me a call. These are nice pups. Got some red ones, black and tan ones, and some bwt ones. All gyps and very nice.

Re: Pups for sale


Re: Pups for sale

Only have 1 left off Benji gyp. I have 1 gyp left off Fras Bros Kitty bwt bb be 6 months old the 28th. I also have a B&T male off of a Lofton's Jereimiah gyp I will sale. He is 6 months old also. Wishbone is the daddy to all of them.

Re: Pups for sale

All dogs are spoken for thanks for the calls.