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Re: sportsman ship award

Well La. Deer Dog Hunter I'd hate to know I had 4000 employee's playing on masterfox when there suppose to be working. But since you keep bringing up Livingston Parish you guys have 2 zone's down there AREA 1 & AREA 6 , Area 1 dog season starts Dec 10 - Jan 8 thats 30 days & Area 6 dog season starts Dec 10 - Jan 22 thats 44 days. As for the Timber Company's if you guys would weed out the bad dog hunter's by not letting them on your leases you would see alot of the problems go away, but if you don't then ya'll will probably suffer the consequnces of it. Just for your info I missed a day of work this week to make the meeting in Baton Rouge because thats how important the future of dog hunting is to me. Have a good day call me if you anymore questions cell 318-792-8933 or work 713-351-4990