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Re: try again

I've read every post and think if you all checked out Ron Paul read what he says you would agree he is the man!Media,dems,and reps won't hardly say his name...why you ask because he won't play their B.S. GAMES! He is all about fixin this once great country! OUR problem is voting down the D or R column.Everyone is me me me me!Get everyone working and paying taxes and we could lower taxes.We have to stop spending, it doesn't work at home it won't work in DC.Keep a open mind(good luck with that one)and read about him and the ones you defend and make your choice that way not just D or R and then vote! And hopefully about 2/3's of the aholes we have will be GONE! That being said I am goin to run hounds while I still can! I better shoot at a target too while I still can!

Re: try again

Why was it okay for Obama to accept more than a million inflation-adjusted dollars from Goldman Sachs employees if it was wrong, as liberals protested at the time, for George W. Bush to accept less than one-seventh as much (less than 150,000-inflation adjusted dollars) from Enron? Then wonder aloud at the brilliance of Goldman Sachs—investing in its own bailout and (with donations to the man sure to take his place) buying top-notch jobs in the Obama administration for a discount price. or why won't obama donate half of that 1 billion he is suppose to raise for his campaine to so called less fortunate hypocrosy at its worse

Re: try again

I think Mr. Greenspan was saying that the whole idea of a credit rating agency releasing a rating on the US is pointless since there is no way the US would default on our debt. If push comes to shove we would print more money to pay off the debt. That would devalue the dollar but the debt would be paid off and the US would not default.
It is funny that S&P downgraded the US credit rating and folks started pulling money out of the stock market to buy US treasury bonds. The whole world knows that US treasuries are the safest place to store your money.

Re: try again

Playing with the stock market is about like playing the lottery ; just as good of odds!!!

Re: try again

Dow drops 500pts. at opening bell. Looks like retired life is about over.

Re: try again

There's nothing wrong, or un-democratic, or un-American about militancy. It's part of our tradition."

That's one Communications Workers of America (CWA) union official's spin in response to news reports about rampant intimidation and militancy on the picket lines in the strike against Verizon ordered by CWA and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union brass.
New disturbing reports break every day.
Union strikers shot at one worker. Another injured his arm after union goons pushed him into scaffolding. Verizon's security chief receives hundreds of reports of sabotage, intimidation, or violence daily.
With 143 acts of sabotage since August 7, the first day of the strike, company officials and independent-minded workers aren't the only victims.
When union militants cut phone lines, Verizon customers who just want their phones to work may be unable to call for help in an emergency. IBEW union militants even picketed outside a 64 year old woman's house because she had the audacity to let a Verizon technician repair her broken phone line.
The CWA union boss is right about one thing: union militancy is a big part of Big Labor's tradition.
Just last week, far from the union picket lines against Verizon, John King, a nonunion electrical contractor in Toledo, Ohio woke up in the middle of the night to sounds in his driveway. The motion light turned on, and he went outside to investigate -- and found someone vandalizing his car.
The vandal stood up, shot King in the arm, and fled the scene.OBAMA TURNS A BLIND EYE just like he did when the black panthers were toting base ball bats at voting places in 08,tea party moms and gramas are extremist

Re: try again

That is the way it should . If you want to cross a picket line you better have a bullet proof vest and a football helmet! Shot them rats!!!

Re: try again

hey fact checker- if you would have listened. what he actually said was his he paid a lower percentage. he still paid $6,938,744.00 . just in case thats too many numbers, it's over 6 million dollars. speaking of paying their fair share. why don't 49% of americans pay any taxes?..........tony

Re: try again

WOW some get it and some are still hanging on to the ones that got us here, The dems are not the same party that my parent and grandparent belong to. My grandfather was a top official in the dems party in lower Al.If he was alive he would not be part of it today. The reps are just as bad. Both partys just spend money like the have plenty of it.the problem with that is that it our money(WE THE PEOPLE) My kids and yours will be paying for the debt the last two presidents and congress gave us. WAKE UP BEFORE ITS TO LATE. Dont vote party line. vote for the person that will stop the spending.

Re: try again

You tha man Mr. Tool.

Re: try again

Liberals believe in egalitarianism. They don't often get called on it, though, because no one bothers to defend elitism—but you should. "So you really disapprove of competition and hierarchy and achievement and want everything to be equal do you? Well, answer me this, if you were president and you needed a handful of troops to do a delicate, dangerous job, who would you turn to—a unit of racially and sexually and disability diverse troops or the elite: Special Forces, Navy Seals, Delta Force? When you watch football, assuming you're willing to watch something so violent and competitive, do you want to watch the elite, the best of the best, the professionals who made it to the NFL on the basis of their talent and training, or a United Nations coordinated rainbow coalition of teams drawn from men and women from around the world to make it a truly global unisex game? Or suppose you needed serious surgery, would you prefer the operation to be done by a surgeon with years of practice behind him, drawn from the elite of the medical profession, or by a deserving recent immigrant, selected for the task as a result of the new Obamafair™ social justice program designed to boost the self-esteem of low-skill workers while simultaneously combating society's sexist, racist, elitist hegemony?" tell us worm

Re: try again

tell us
I'll tell you, I love compatition, hierarchy and especially achievement. The problem I have is, not everyone is fair at getting there!!! I don't care for a cheater or a thief and don't really care for someone who hide's behind a fake name. If I pay $.25 on a dollor, I don't see why a millionaire can't pay $.25 on a dollor. That's being fair.

And one reason 49% of americans don't pay taxes, is because the businesses that hire them don't pay them enough to survive so they get an earned income tax credit. Maybe if these businesses and coorparations would take some of them 10 million dollor BONUS NOT SALARY, away from that 1 CEO and AND GIVE THE EMPLOYEE'S A RAISE, they will be more people paying taxes.

Re: try again

Worm they will NEVER let that pass because the republicans can not hide from paying their fair share !!!!

Re: try again

The american people have no one to blame but themselves. They elected all these officials and now they are crying about what THESE elected officials are doing. Personally i didnt vote in any of the past elections because none of these officials are FOR the american people. When we have somebody who stands up and says "As President I will do for the AMERICAN PEOPLE WHAT CONGRESS ALLOWS ME TO DO" then that is the man we need to vote for. We can sit up here and argue with each other about this or we can all step back and look in the mirror or our neighbors and say "HEY we have done this to ourselves" Just my two cents worth.

Re: try again

wake up people you are just as much to blame! We the people can't just sit back and wait for someone to SAVE us, we need to research ALL the canidates and VOTE for who we think will best serve ALL of America not just some special intrest groups, except hound hunting of course! It is to easy now adays with the internet! JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

Re: try again

Mister wake up people, if you don't vote don't say nothing. That is a big part of the problem right now. People like you not voting, but crying because someone else did. If you don't like America enough to go vote please feel free to leave, we will never know your gone. Many families have made huge sacrafices for the Americian people to vote, to hear someone say they just don't want to vote then give their views on government is a joke.


First all you are about as dumb as anybody i have ever seen because u cant read a simple post and understand it. I didnt vote because i didnt like the canidates and what they stood for. 2nd of all i'm not crying I am stating a fact that the american people put themselves in the position that we are in now. 3rd of all PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE explain to me what a family has to sacrifice to take 5 minutes out of there life to go to a school house to vote. Like i said you are either to dumb to understand the statement or you are one of the people who voted for the politicians to put us in this situation. . AND trust me i would be missed if i left this country.

Re: try again

not true worm, i have 6 truck drivers that make between $35k and $40k a year. 3 of them don't pay any because they have 5 plus kids each. hows that my fault or the other 3 drivers fault? why should we pay extra? i stopped at 2 kids.................tony

Re: try again

wake up if you don't like any on the ballot write in the names of the people you think are best. It works a person in Alaska won this year as a write in!Who knows alot of people may be thinking like you, it might even be me!We darn sure didn't have much to choose from at the last presidential election!I know if my guy doesn't get the nomination I will still vote for him as will alot of other people.

Re: try again

Tony, I never said that you are your other drivers had to pay more. I said everyone should pay the same tax rate per dollor. Now referring to what I said about the 49%, how would you survive with 2 kids at $40K a year, without help

And I told yall back in 2008 that we would have a black President, I know Bird and Potlicker is not going to like this, but Mississippi is going to get it's 1st black Governor in November, like it or not. You heard it 1st on masterfox news

Ima tool, you are right on to check the canidate out before you vote. I know I'm going to vote for the one who agree's that the working class people need the tax break not the Big Coop's and millionaires. Know who would that might be

Re: try again

Tell a liberal how much you appreciate that the Obama economy is a system of checks and balances.
He writes the checks, you pay the balance.stimulus

Re: try again

Worm you and i know that none of them are going to do by themselves. They will only if there phones get blown up be WE THE PEOPLE letting them know that the spending has got to stop.the waste has got to stop. they must all so know that we what jobs back not the service jobs but we need factory jobs. we need to start making things.

Re: try again

Ray you act like that is a lot of money!! How many benefits go along with that pay? You know if they make $40K and have to pay $15K health insurance the cannot feed the family on that!! But I am sure you are paying for a decent health insurance for them!!!!

Re: try again

Just MY opinion but..."WE the People" quit being the voice of our society during the Viet Nam era. Over 75% of our country was against entering the war and "our" Goverment tried to down play it by calling it a "Conflict". No matter if ya call it a Goverment enity or a Business,it you don't have more coming in than going out it's not going to exist very long! Ya still can't bea the pay as you go system;if ya can't pay,ya can't go!

Re: try again

After reading some of the post here I think we are going about hunting in the wrong way.
First hunters like me who are poor and have sorry dogs needs to get good dogs from some of you winners. For free of course. Then since we or poor someone will have to feed them for us. Got to be the hunters at the top they can afford it. We will have to have someone pay our entry fee and maybe gas money to get there. We will also have to eat , there can be a food stamp program for hunters. I know all you will want to give to this. LMAOROF
I know you hunters are saying this guy is stupid and a little insane. I ask am I, WE as Americans do this every day and don't think about it. You people who want to help out would you help the guys in my senario. If not why the double standards.
If you can't afford it don't do it!!!!!!

Re: try again

Obama Care Highlighted by Page Number


Please read this........ especially the reference to pages 58 & 59 65 !!!!!!

** Page 50/section 152: The bill will provide insurance to all non-U.S. residents, even if they are here illegally.

** Page 58 and 59: The government will have real-time access to an individual's bank account and will have the authority to make electronic fund transfers from those accounts.

** Page 65/section 164: The plan will be subsidized (by the government) for all union members, union retirees and for community organizations (such as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - ACORN).

** Page 203/line 14-15: The tax imposed under this section will not be treated as a tax. (How could anybody in their right mind come up with that?)

** Page 241 and 253: Doctors will all be paid the same regardless of specialty, and the government will set all doctors' fees.

** Page 272. section 1145: Cancer hospital will ration care according to the patient's age.

** Page 317 and 321: The government will impose a prohibition on hospital expansion; however, communities may petition for an exception.

** Page 425, line 4-12: The government mandates advance-care planning consultations. Those on Social Security will be required to attend an "end-of-life planning" seminar every five years. (Death counseling..)

** Page 429, line 13-25: The government will specify which doctors can write an end-of-life order.

"Finally, it is specifically stated that this bill will not apply to members of Congress. Members of Congress are already exempt from the Social Security system, and have a well-funded private plan that covers their retirement needs. If they were on our Social Security plan, I believe they would find a very quick 'fix' to make the plan financially sound for their future."

All of the above should give you the ammo you need to support your opposition to Obamacare. Please send this information on to all of your email contacts.

Re: try again

Potlicker: 1). You're right and (2).You're right again! What part of ILLEGAL can't people get? NATIONAL health coverage DOES place a dollar value on human life,according to the persons productivity and tax base paid into the system. The Program is formulated after the system in place in Jolly Old England and if your old you're out!! Had a friend who's Mother lived there and was retired.She became ill and he'd have to fly her to the USA on"Vacation",have her "get sick" and take her to the Emergency room for Proper Care and treatment then fly her back after her "vacation" ended. How Much is YOUR MOMS or WIFE WORTH???

Re: try again

Brad wonder if we could get DOG FOOD STAMPS? potlicker that scares the hell out of me! Brian I think I will send my ex-wife to England!

Re: try again

You know, yah just about have me convinced on this healthcare, let's not do anything for anyone then everybody can just go to the EMERGENCY ROOM to get health care(NOT REALLY). I believe it would be cheaper to supply INSURANCE then it would HEALTHCARE. But what do I know I said Obama would win the Pesidency, Oh he did. I've had UNION INSURANCE FOR 25 YEARS, and the Goverment has never paid for any of it , OUR UNION CONTRACTORS PAY FOR IT, and they are still buying big boat's and condo's, IMAGINE THAT. It's easy to put down on his plan, I would like to hear some of ya's ideas. Potlicker is the statements word for word or is that your interpatation? I'm going to have to look at them. I've said it before if AMERICAN PEOPLE WOULD NOT HIRE THEM, THEY WOULD PROBABLY GO BACK TO MEXICO or where ever they are from. So I guess since National healthcare put's a dollor amount on human life, what would you call not helping these people when they get sick and cannot afford to pay for healthcare then die? Remember it is WE THE PEOPLE , NOT I THE PEOPLE.There is no I in team, and WE ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Re: try again

facts not my words, part of your peoples statment, must pass it to see whats in the bill,remember those famous words,from the plastic lady, do the research and get back with us

Re: try again

Unions Sever Ties With Democrats, Obama
Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 05:33 PM

blow to the electoral fortunes of both President Obama and the Democratic Party, the president of the AFL-CIO said Thursday that organized labor is preparing to ditch Democrats and go it alone in building up its own grassroots structure.

Specifically, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told reporters that the nation’s largest labor federation will scale back their involvement with the Democratic Party in advance of the 2012 elections.

In 2008, unions spent over $400 million for Obama's election. Obama needs to get labor back and I think he’ll be courting them furiously in the weeks and months to come."

While Trumka had nothing but scathing words for the tea party movement, he laid out a scenario that very much mirrored the tea party’s grassroots structure and its clout in the GOP. The vision is for big labor to wield the clout that it once had inside the Democratic Party and on the liberal end of the spectrum in American politics.

Trumka made it clear that his plan will cost the Democrats both contributions and labor volunteers in many districts almost immediately. That would cripple key Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts in many swing districts on Election Day.

“We’re going to use a lot of our money to build structures that work for working people” Trumka said, according to Politico.“You’re going to see us give less money to build structures for others, and more of our money will be used to build our own structure.”

Trumka’s remarks came after the news earlier this week that the AFL-CIO will set up a so-called super PAC to spend unlimited amounts of money on political activity for next year’s elections and beyond. Trumka confirmed Thursday that the union is moving forward with plans to create the PAC.

The AFL-CIO’s outside effort will help keep union-backed candidates more accountable for promises made on the campaign trail, Trumka said.

“Let’s assume we spent $100 in the last election,” he said, explaining the union’s position.

“The day after Election Day, we were no stronger than we were the day before,” said Trumka. “If we had spent that [$100] on creating a structure for working people that would be there year round, then we are stronger.”

Trumka also said that many labor leaders are weighing whether to skip the party’s 2012 convention.

“There are some of our affiliates that aren’t going to participate,” said Trumka, speaking to reporters at a breakfast sponsored by The Christian Science Monitor, “We’re still talking about it.”

Big labor’s problems with the Obama administration include outstanding issues like the failure to pass a union-backed card check bill that would ease organizing, as well as the administration’s support for free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama.

Trumka articulated a broader critique of the Obama administration, telling reporters that the president has allowed Republicans to set the terms of debate — focusing on what he called a manufactured debt crisis instead of a jobs agenda.

“I think he made a strategic mistake when he confused job crisis with deficit crisis,” Trumka said. “He started playing on the Republican ground.”

“He’s going to give a speech in a couple of weeks on job creation,” Trumka told reporters. “If he’s talking about another percent or two break from a tax here and doing something with patent control, and doing three years down the road something with infrastructure bank, that’s not going to get the job done.”

He called for more direct action.

“As we approach this Labor Day, our working-class people are looking for three things: jobs, jobs, jobs,” Trumka said.

Re: try again

Well until the people wake up and start joining unions this country is in for a long depression!! Unions make contractors more accountable for the actions they take!!Had a union contractor come to a board meeting a few years ago and said he could not compete with nonunion companies!! We ; as Union members; agreed to help the union contractor by paying a portion of all the guys salary working on this job; all the union contractor had to do was show us; union members; the company books and records for this job; meaning where he lowered his bid rates and profit rates to get the job. Guess what? He was totally against this agreement!!!In the late 80's when things got bad we;union members; took a $4 an hour pay cut; the Union contractors NEVER lowered the bid rates all they did was took more profit!!!Union members and Union contractors must work together and that is what made this country what it is today!!!!

Re: try again

Bottom line a contractor HAS to make money!If they don't we will be sittin on a park bench sayin boy we showed him! I guess they are all going out of business now because they made so much money they don't need anymore! They are droppin like flies around here! I work for a union general contractor and I have been there 22yrs. I am the job superintendent/ union carpenter. Not 3 mon. ago he calls us in and tells us he missed a big job that he really needed to keep all the guys working,he missed it by 2%, our breaks are 4% of a day! tell me that isn't cuttin it close! How many times do I see guys standing around BSing! I have to bring jobs in and make him money so he can work all of us! Just something to think about next time you're leaning on a wall talking! THEY ARE BID THAT CLOSE!

Re: try again

Tommy hate to say this but Rays right. The person or investors are not going to anything for nothing. why put a penny out if your not going to make money back on it.
If the unions what to help make this country great again they need to tell there party (DEMS) that it is time to cut the corporate taxes (the highest in the world) and put tariffs on all imports so those people and investors will be willing to start making thing here again.
why are we importing toys and furniture from china and India. we should be making them here. look at what has happen to the textile companies
i don't blame the owners of those companies. i blame our government for allowing it to happen.how can they make it cheap enuff to be able to ship it across a ocean and still sell it so cheap. It time to let them know that imports should cost as much if not more than MADE IN THE USA.

Re: try again



TOTAL 12.4% of all workers

Public Sector 36.8%

Private Sector 7.6%

16 million Union members

2008 presidential election

Obama 69,456,897 52.9%

McCain 59,934,814 45.7%

I think Union's are getting alot more credit then deserved, and know for a fact all union members did not vote for Obama.

I wonder who else voted for him
Need to find someone else to blame it on now.

Where did McCain get his money? Or does that matter

Re: try again

Tommy agree 100%, just went through negotiations.

Ray, I agree with you on the employee's needing to do their job to make the contractor all the money he can make. But when you listen to them saying they have not made much money and just getting by after they pull up in a new vehicle every year, then buy an $4 million dollor yacht and $5 million dollor condo in Orange beech, kinda make's me wonder just why you should bust your butt for them.

Re: try again

Ima Tool, simple solution, when you go buy a toy or furniture or anything else, MAKE SURE IT IS MADE IN AMERICA

That's what I have been talking about. Everybody want's to blame the goverment for these problems when in fact it's our own fault!!!

We know you can use the computer, find it then buy it. Create American jobs

Re: try again

McCAIN didn't get it from working union members,that gave 400 million to obama and the dnc, they could have used it for their health care ,and retirement plans,or thier on well being.instead obama gives the uaw 35 to 40 billion of our tax money to shore up thier unfunded retirement programs. its a good thing 10 percent of the riches americans pay 70 percent of the tax.you have the same oppertunity as the rich man, its according to how munch you are willing to sacrifice.no pain no gain,its always some one else fault. more resposabilty you take on the bigger the reward. COMPADRE

Re: try again

Most corporations show a 40% profit in the last few quarters; but they need a tax break? Get real until the working man has more money to spend the economy will stay the same!! If these corporations are in such need for tax breaks to create more jobs what is the excuse for not having more jobs now? They will not spend money until the demand is up!!!Therefore until the working man has more money to spend the economy will stay the same!!!!

Re: try again

WORM (Kermie Ladner)
Ima Tool, simple solution, when you go buy a toy or furniture or anything else, MAKE SURE IT IS MADE IN AMERICA

That's what I have been talking about. Everybody want's to blame the goverment for these problems when in fact it's our own fault!!!

We know you can use the computer, find it then buy it. Create American jobs

Wow easier said than done. most toys are made in china. there are some made here in the good old USA but some of them have parts that say fabrique en chine. For those that what to know HASBRO has the most games made in the USA. I know this not cuz i know how to use a computer but because i have kids.
Your right about it being our own fault but when your barely able to pay the bills its hard to look at where it was made. that i can and will blame our government for that. they have allowed china and others to make and ship things here cheaper that we can make them here. let me give you a example. ever heard of the solar company called Solyndra(everyone should google this)they took 700 billion $ loan from our government.one year later they file for bankruptcy one year later they laid off 1100 people said that global economic conditions was the reason. the reason is that china/chine can make them then ship them and sell them cheaper than solyndra could also for those that where not paying attention we will never see that 700 billion $ again. china/chine is not going to stop doing this and our government does nothing to stop it. tell me other than look for made in the USA how do we stop this. that works for those that can afford to do so. most can not. the only way to stop it call your rep/senator and tell to to work it out so that inport cost the same if not more than made in the USA

Re: try again

really 40% name them. also everyone needs to ask themselves. have you ever got a job from a poor man? lazy is what most of you that think that you should get paid more than you are., if you think that your worth more then man up start you own thing make it work. o that right you would still waiting for a hand out instead working hard and making something of your self.
by the way i am a working man and a register democrat. don't blame those that take a chance that can fail and make it work.
also more jobs is what can and will fix this. the USA has the highest taxes for corporations in the world why would any one start anything here

Re: try again

Taxes are not the reason companies are moving overseas and to Mexico; environmental issues is !! In any other country other than the USA companies can drain anything they want down the road ditch!!FACT!!!We as the USA should increase taxes on everything brought back into OUR country!!And when a company closes and moves out they should stay out!!

Re: try again

I had a small furniture mfc. company and closed down the first of the year. Over the past couple of years there were hundreds of others closed their doors also. I can promise you it was'nt because we were making 40% profits. We were trying to make 6% and couldn't even do that. It is the china/asia problem like I'm a tool says. They can ship it to the stores for $100 to $150 less than we have in a sofa. Also the big companies like Ashley can buy their material and supplies from china and work a bunch of illegals and get the rest of the business. The tariff's are the only way to even things out.

Re: try again

Ima Tool
really 40% name them. also everyone needs to ask themselves. have you ever got a job from a poor man? lazy is what most of you that think that you should get paid more than you are., if you think that your worth more then man up start you own thing make it work. o that right you would still waiting for a hand out instead working hard and making something of your self.
by the way i am a working man and a register democrat. don't blame those that take a chance that can fail and make it work.
also more jobs is what can and will fix this. the USA has the highest taxes for corporations in the world why would any one start anything here

There are still too many big companies that don't pay enough. Too many gov't deals. There are CEO's of companies that get paid more than the entire company pays in taxes. Let's don't even talk about the oil companies. They haven't paid their share of taxes in years and years. They were given a break back when times were hard in the oil industry. Now, they are making record breaking profits and still getting those same tax breaks.

Re: try again

Don't forget Qbama's buddy General Electric who got stimulas money, made 14 billion profit last year and paid 0 tax.

Re: try again

Dumb republicans still waiting for the list of companies that make 40% or more profit.I would like to buy some of there stock. Most companies don't make over 10%. most companies make much less than that. Your local grocery stores run on less than 2% margan. think about that next time you go shopping for food.
Darrell so sorry man. it a shame that you work hard make a great product and cant get ahead not cuz of those things but cuz our government will not give you a even playing field. i hope and pray that some day that will change for you and all the other that have gone thur that.
Scott your right about the EPA they have made it hard for companies and some may have move just for that. but i don't think that was the only reason they left. it was just one more reason. look i like to fish and hunt and walk/ride thur the woods. nobody whats those places to be clean more than me.
Big Mike i am not sure what your trying to say.yes there CEO get pd way to much. so do actors,baseball players,basketball player to name a few.Mike i what you to think about this for a second.if big oil losses those tax breaks what do you thing you will see at the pumps. I think the government need to change it and tell them that if they what the breaks then they need to drill here and get away from those foke that take billion and billions of cash a way from the USA and would like to kill every one of us. also if you didn't know the gov has a tax of i think 35 cents a gal.it will expire in the next few weeks. they are talking about extending it.
independent. GE really you talking about one of the biggest company in the world didn't pay taxes last year. that's right they didn't but they did put a lot of money in the president pocket. thing that make you go hummmmmmmmm.