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The End Draweth NIGH...>>>

The End Draweth NIGHT, my friend ........

Preliminary reports are indicating that a 5.8 magnitude earthquake occurred in Virginia at 1:51 pm EDT., according to the USGS.

Shaking has been reported as far north as New York. Reports of shaking have also been coming in from the New England area. According to the USGS, a magnitude 5.5 Eastern US earthquake can typically be felt as far as 300 miles away.

The USGS reported that epicenter of the quake was located in Louisa, Va. just southeast of Charlottesville and northwest of Richmond.

Matthew 24:7 "earthquakes in divers places."

1st Thess 5:1-11

Notice all this but especially, vs 3 "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then suidden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape."

Notice the word travail,

You boys who watched your wife carring your child will understand.

When you first got word that you would be a father, the doctor said, the baby is due some where around OCT. 10th, but he did not say exactly OCT. 10 the doctor said due around OCT. 10th, get it.

So, on the 4th of July that year you would not be looking for the baby, RIGHT? You might start looking a little hard by Labor DAY, RIGHT? But, shortly after you would begin to pay reclose attention for the woman to start travaling with the child. RIGHT?

Well, I have got to go, but let me promise you this the old BALL we are on is in TRAVAIL, she is getting ready to bust wide open. Earth QUAKES in Divers places, in places where you don't normally have earthquakes.

Better be looking to the sky, it could brake WIDE OPEN in moment now, with the KING OF KINGS riding on a clound coming with his MIGHTY angels to get ALL that he paid for,



True Grit,

Jonathan Blakeley