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Re: Pups and young hounds

Mr. McElroy, we are still looking,I have bought a few but we still don't have the right one a 11 yr old boy can win a bench show with. Do you know where we can find one?

Re: Pups and young hounds

Really don't know of anything that is guaranteed to win... I know of a few that are really good looking stand up type of dogs but haven't been put on the bench for a show.... They would need to be worked with...I do have a gyp that will be 3 in mid Sept that is the right kind as far as looks go... She is Black BB, white pts, red head with a blaze..classy gyp... I raised her.... Lots of speed but she has never been outside...She has quite a bit of Josh stuff in her as well as some older breeding (Sharkey's Bronson, Wib's Black Jet......) If you are interested in her I will try to take a pic on my phone and send it to you over the weekend.... You would be more than welcome to come try her at my pen or take her with you and try her... I'm pretty easy to get along with.... I would want you to know everything about her and be satisfied... If she worked I would trade for pups maybe....

Re: Pups and young hounds

Coach, I'm workin alot of hours this week and not able to get on here. Give me a phone# and I'll call ya this weekend and we'll visit. thanks skinny

Re: Pups and young hounds

870 391 6562 Will be at hunt at Birdtown (Mahan's old pen) Saturday... Not much service there.... Later Saturday would prob be best to call.... Recently bred the mother to above gyp to Bob Rea's dog that is litter mate to the 3 Ricky Bates got from him.. I expect them to be top notch as far a looks (gyp really puts looks on em). Should be good hounds....

Re: Pups and young hounds