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Golden Run for Kids Hunt

The Derby and All-Age hunt will be held at the Carolina Running Pen in Andalusia, Al, May 16-19. Entry fee will be $45.00 per hound with a $10.00 membership fee. For numbers call Larry Etheridge Home 601-644-3568 cell 601-479-4729.There will be an auction the Friday night of the hunt. Any items for auction or cash donations will be greatly appreciated. Please come and help fight childhood cancer.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt


Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

is this a national or masters hunt? will it count towards the leader board standing?

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt


Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

National No it will not count because Paul Isbell will be judging. He has done more to raise money for these kids than any man alive.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry give me a address where I can send some money thanks !!!! Trent Hollingsworth

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry Etheridge
5528 Vimville-Causeyville Rd
Meridian MS 39301
You may make check payable to Golden Run for Kids and note for St Jude Thanks

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt


Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry, like ur straight-up answer about the leaderboard, because ur right MR. Paul has always worked hard to raise money for the kids. Not sure about making it to hunt but will send donation. Thank you for picking up this hunt and helping MR. Paul out.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt


Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry, I also need #691 and #161 thanks and looking forward to a great time. Tim Freeman

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Seems like there could have been other ways for Mr. Isbell to remain involved with the hunt and continue to help the kids without having to be a judge. If I remember correctly, his "scoring irregularities" were some of the most irregular ever seen since folks started looking into such things. I just wonder if his judging is in the best interest of the hunt and the good cause that it represents. I hate for something to take away from what you guys are doing. Either way, I'll send a donation since I can't be at the hunt. Proud to have it in South Alabama and I hope you can bring it back in the future.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt


Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Heath were you on the comittee if not how were you able to see the irregularities when even the guys who were accussed didn't

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry I put a check in the mail to you this morning !!!!

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry, you and Mr Paul continue to provide a tremendous level of generosity, while doing a great job, for this most worthy cause. Hats off to two incredibly unselfish gentlemen.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

bbt Thanks Trent and Jack

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Coach, I wasn't on the committee that reviewed the results. After all that happened and there was some interest in trying to figure out how much variation in scoring was expected and how much should be considered suspicious, I saw a summary of some hunt results where one judge was accused of turning in some suspicious scores. On average, every other judge scored the winning hound about 2 times during the hunt. One judge scored the hound 25 times during the hunt. That seemed a little high to me. I was the main one pointing out that you can't prove anything about whether a judge is being honest or not by looking at the scores after the fact. There is always a chance a hound could get after a grey fox and run him around you or something like that. Sometimes you have to score one a bunch or you would be cheating him out of points he deserved. In the cases of the judges that got reviewed I think there was a pattern over the course of several days and several hunts where similar situations kept happening to them. After a while there comes a time when the best thing is to have those judges sit out to keep the hunts they attend from developing a poor reputation.
At the 2012 Masters they posted the scores of the top 10 hounds every day with the judges names listed. If you do that, I don't think you would have near the suspicion that you have doing it the old way. When the hunters can see who is scoring the hounds, and the judges know they are being reviewed daily by the hunters I think both groups, the hunters and the judges come out ahead.
In the future, I don't think there will ever be a need to have a review of a judges scores. The data will be there if the need arises but if we start posting the scores with the names listed I don't think you will see anyone complaining.