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Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

We are changing the date for our puppy hunt to April 7th due to mr. Danny Walls hunt being on same date. It will be two class under 10 mos and under 12 mos. run three hours cast at daylight 40.00 entry fee. For numbers call Jeff at 225-937-4669

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Jeff what is the pay back

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Payback will be 25.00 and for running/practicing with pups call Skinny at 225-281-9133

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Jeffs hunt is two class hunt and his not runing his own dogs in it are charging 5dollars a puppy to practice .

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Andy I had no idea he had a hunt going on till a couple days ago. He never had a date and still dont as I dont pull up and read posts. We scanned the puter thoroughly before setting this date and I was called about Danny's hunt or would not have known of it but we have about 50 numbers out and can't change again, Look at the subject and you wont find a date on Ivy's post.I am sorry about the misunderstanding but do not think I am at fault here.I have always helped Ivy and he should know this was not to hurt anyone,

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

i need 2 in old 2 in young thanks

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Paul you have 21,22 young and 55,56 old

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Sorry I did not mean Paul I meant James I wrote it down right in book but posted wrong on Puter. James Trawick you have 21 and 22 young and you have 55 and 56 old class

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

I need two numbers for the young class please.

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Chad Purvis you have 26 and 29

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Jeff could I get 2 #'s for the young class thanks

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

I need one for the older class

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Travis you have 24 and 25

Ivy I only have numbers left in the 80s so have you down for 87

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Jeff could I get 2#'s for the young class thanks.

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Phillip you have 43 and 48

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Who's going to be in the top 5?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

How many numbers are out?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

If you will post your name I will answer your question as to how many we have out.THANKS

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Mr. Jeff have u had any numbers in the young class turned in?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Who's bringing the heat any predictions

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Chad none have been turned in yet. If you have numbers and know you will not be able to come please turn them in as soon as you can as I have 105 numbers out and hunters are still calling for numbers. Thanks: JEFF

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Mr.Jeff post my #'s pleaes.Thanks

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Just a few days away lets here who y'all think the top 5 in each class!!

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th


Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Will it be red rock again are is he done?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

with 7 dogs 3 down and a bay fest good luck guys

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

I ran in there yesterday and had some pretty good running with eight pups. Didn't bay not once.

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

They could not bay one in a cage!!!

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

The adress is 4657 Hwy 1042 Greensburg La. for the GPS this will get you close

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Jeff I am turning in my 2 numbers, I have to work that day. Thanks Phillip

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Turning numbers in mr Jeff maybe next time

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

mr. jeff need to turn in #56 in old class

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Who is bring the heat? Just a few days away!!!!!!

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Who is bring the heat?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

yall better hope no one brings the heat write it down 7 bays that takes 70 mins off the running good luck loosers

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

sure is funny its always a no name post critisizing.yall need to go look out in the chicken yard for small black pile with white spot on top to see what you resemble. just my opinion on it. james trawick

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Mr. Jeff how many numbers you have out? Thanks

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

I have a hundred numbers out Chad

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Who is bring the heat?

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Chad the word is that you bring the heat! That you been paying james to run them for you!

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Lmao!! Hey Im just coming to see every body I don't have much.

Re: Dairy Barn puppy hunt date changed to April 7th

Hey chad I heard them boys from miss big creek kennels was bringing the heat also Jeff broadway and the coyell boys going for four in a row

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