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Mark and Terry Drury

I just recently heard from a local game warden that the Drury's are currently getting involved in trying to help pass legislation in missouri to give the owner of a dog a trespassing ticket if they catch your dog on their property. Just thought I would pass this along to anyone that's interested or supports them.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Hell jason they own alot of property down your guys way dont they kirksville i know and some on the iowa and missouri border???**** and i like there show

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

That sounds about right,you can tell by lookin at them that they are a couple weasels!Missing a few male hormones too!

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Yeah steve they do have ground about 5 miles from my house. They filmed a couple of dream season episodes at my uncle's place and I like their shows too but I don't like what they are trying to do. Most of the big deer hunters dont want any dogs on their place at all anytime of year. I think the days of coyote hunting on the outside (especially field trials) are about over. I remember when I was a little kid (I'm 29) you could drive on anybody you wanted to and heck they would open the gate for you as long as it wasnt muddy. Now people from out of town own alot of the ground and they bring the big city mentallity with them. The deer hunting is getting to be such a big business now though, lots and lots of money in it.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Yeah jason these dumb son of a b$$$$ spend all this money to kill bucks to stupid to do it scare them off and we get them lollol its a shame but let them idiots push them to me they can come to my place and look at him on the wall. steve

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Thanks Jason,I am sure the sporting dog association is on it, I feel you can do more with numbers be a member for 20 dollars a year is cheap to be a member everyone in Mo. or that runs hounds in Mo. should join.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Tim do you know who handles that association in mo???or a number for them thanks steve

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Oh Yea Oh Yea Oh Yea! Fox and coyote hunters are becoming an easy target because of our ability to "STAND TOGETHER"!

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Steve, Give Debbie Johnson a call she is the secretary and can hook you up

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Ok thanks tim

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

A true outdoorsman is someone who appreciates all aspects of the outdoors. They enjoy all forms of hunting just the same as all forms of fishing. When they loose this concept of appreciation they loose what it means to be an outdoorsman. It is sickening to know that people that call themselves outdoorsman result to differentiating what is considered being an outdoorsman. About like another show that comes on the outdoor channel some goofy guy I think it is sei or tic. He went somewhere over seas on a bear hunt and they were using dogs and man drivers. That guy seemed dumbfounded they were using dogs and bout wet his-self when he realized what was fixing to happen when he stepped up in the stand and waited for the drive to start.
You can not say one hunting is superior of the others then you loose sight of what is really important and that is being in the outdoors and enjoying it. Many people that run dogs period do it for the comrodery and the time spent with other people.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Let me first start by saying that I really enjoy the sarcasm in this post (Hustleville) and than the lack of being able to attach a name to such.

Standing together is something we all need to do regardless of the nature of our hunting. What these "canned" deer hunt people do not realize right now is that should they be successful in getting the running dogs shut down, how long will it be before the anti's are after their sport. They need to get their head out of their asses and see the big picture, not just the trail to their pocket book for now.

In the mean time the anti's are really enjoying the in fighting that they are creating between the members of our sport.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

I think we're missing the picture here. First, I don't think the Drury's are hunting high fence, so a "canned" hunt is not what's going on here. If it was high fence they wouldn't be worried about keeping dogs off their property. Second, this isn't entirely aimed at hunting dogs. I'm sure there are house dogs that wonder onto their property and cause problems. I don't think they are trying to stop running dogs or anyone's style of hunting. It basically goes back to the old saying that seems to come up more and more now-a-days. "I don't care what you do on YOUR property, as long as it's on YOUR property."

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

It does not matter whether they are hunting high fence or not, we all need to learn to give and take and get along in this world. The anti's are having a feeding frenzy off of the fighting that is going on between ourselves and that is the best time for them to make their move.

Drury people need to wake up and realize what they are doing. They also need to learn the difference between a hound and the local neighbors with just a farm dog that has gotten bored with the chickens and looking for a little more action.

These are probably the same type of people think that they "own" the deer that are on their property.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Debbie Johnson
It does not matter whether they are hunting high fence or not, we all need to learn to give and take and get along in this world. The anti's are having a feeding frenzy off of the fighting that is going on between ourselves and that is the best time for them to make their move.

Drury people need to wake up and realize what they are doing. They also need to learn the difference between a hound and the local neighbors with just a farm dog that has gotten bored with the chickens and looking for a little more action.

These are probably the same type of people think that they "own" the deer that are on their property.

I agree but it's hard to read these posts when they have so many false statements in them. A "canned" hunt takes place behind a fence, not in an open bean field. Unless someone has read the bill, we can't assume exactly what it's aimed it. They simply may be sick and tired of the neighbor's poop eater coming over and chasing game. I enjoy watching their show and have even met Mark Drury before. He seemed like good people to me. Yet, folks are pointing fingers, calling names, and saying they lack some male chromosomes and can't kill a deer. I'm sure they kill their limit every year and pass on bucks that most would love to have. Just because a neighbor kills one doesn't mean it came off Drury's property or that they couldn't kill it. Come on! This is some of the crap that gives certain groups of people a bad name. People talk about we all should get along but the same people doing the talking are the first to sling insults about people they don't know and have never met.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

You need to respect someone elses property!! If a property owner does not want a dog on it and you cannot keep your dog off his property YOU have a problem!!! Most dog hunters mentallity is so screwed up it is like they can go anywhere and hunt how they want and the hell with a property owner!!That is what is hurting dog hunting!! Hunting is not like it was 10 years ago; more people different reason for hunting!!!

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Are pj and mikey from the midwest and i do know mark drury meet him at jim thomes place more than once and in illinois a hound can follow his nose as long as you didnt cast him on property you dont have permission i believe its the same in iowa too so dont tell me what i know and dont and if this post bothers you and your up tight life style dont read it all above or must of the above are from the midwest we know what goes on....if you would like to further discuss this call me 309 712 4579.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

steve loveless
Are pj and mikey from the midwest and i do know mark drury meet him at jim thomes place more than once and in illinois a hound can follow his nose as long as you didnt cast him on property you dont have permission i believe its the same in iowa too so dont tell me what i know and dont and if this post bothers you and your up tight life style dont read it all above or must of the above are from the midwest we know what goes on....if you would like to further discuss this call me 309 712 4579.

What does Illinois and Iowa have to do with legislation in Missouri? I don't think anyone said anything about what you knew or didn't know. I KNOW one thing....a "canned" hunt doesn't take place in an open agriculture field. Why can't a dog owner also be in favor of land owner's rights? Why does it have to be one way or the other? Seems like from everything I read, if you are in favor of land owner's rights, you're an anti-hunter or you don't own dogs or something. Makes no sense!

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

P.J. this is my problem, dogs can't read. That's all I need to say really. We never try to get in areas that we know people don't want us in but sometimes it happens. We already can't hunt from sept 15 till dec 15 just because of deer season and fear of messing up someones deer hunt. I don't want to have to go to a pen and run my dogs all of the time I like to cast mine from the house, and from my house my dogs can easily get to drury's property in 1 hr. How many $300 trespassing tickets can you afford?? My dogs aren't loose in deer season, they aren't damaging property. I don't believe that you are an outside hunter or you wouldn't have the opinion that you do though. As far as the high fence thing I'm positive that Drury's are 100% fair chase no high fences. As far as people i think the drury's are nice guys but they are trying to end something that I love to do so I can't just sit by and let them take it from me.

P.S. Mike have you ever had a dog loose on the outside before???

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Would someone be so kind as to let me know what district the Drury's live in? Who is their representative and senator? This information is needed to find out what is going and if they are just blowing smoke.

The Department so far has not stated that they are doing anything.

If something needs to be done about the house dogs running at large that is one thing, a hound hunting is another.

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Ms. Johnson I do apologize.
Hustleville Kennel
Jeremy Hancock

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

Thank You!!!

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

As a land owner i understand private property !! I allow bow and gun hunting of deer on my land ; but i do not own the deer or any wild animal on that land . I can not understand how some wild animals become owned by a land owner . If a wild animal ; deer for instance is wounded and goes onto another property an unarmed hunter can pursue and retrieve it without getting permission from land owner . So if my hunting dog pursues game onto private property where i don't have permission ; why do i need to be fined ? To me if i can not hunt it with a dog it's not worth hunting!!! My dogs make every season a dream !!! Hope everything works out for you hunters and that this is just not true .

Re: Mark and Terry Drury

i coon hunt.....i turn loose on my property, which is alot...if my dogs happen to get on someeone else...guess what....im going to get my dogs..if someone...anyone tries to prevent that, they will not see another day...period... and that is MY LAW...if someone, anyone does any harm to MY dogs...i dont need to say anymore.....sounds to me like its a good thing i live in good ole' south carolina....i would not toleraate these people yall speak of...lotta gators down here and they know the sound of my truck