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Santee Lakes

like to say congrats to my friends Josh and Brandon Lynn for placing high in the derby and winning the speed and drive in the all age, Nuggets a very nice hound, im glad that J.James trained him for you these last few months.lol
congrats to all the winners

Re: Santee Lakes

Congrats Josh and Brandon.

Re: Santee Lakes

Congratulations Baldwin Bay great showing in back to back to back hunts in, I think, 3 different pens.

Re: Santee Lakes

Thanks guys, we appreciate it. Ronald, if you would, talk to Jesse about some hunting and trailing training for Nugget now.

Re: Santee Lakes

Congrats to Baldwin Bay,you boys sure catch on to this game pretty quick.Puppy hunts,derby and all-age all in the same weekend.See you at TY-TY.John

Re: Santee Lakes

way to go baldwin bay