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MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Franklin County
Meeting on 21 April 2012
Saturday @ 6:00 P.M.
Home of Jesse Holland
1205 Berrytown Cir. N.
Meadville, MS.
(601) 532-7096
Hunters of all kinds are invited

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

if everyone would wake up and get this man out of the president position the dog hunting in the forest wouldnt keep getting worse cause ive been told by several people he is the main reason that everything is so messed up he runs his mouth when he should be listening he low rates all the other dog hunters who trys to hunt the forest and hes the main one who turns alose on private land he will never help noone out who has a problem concering dog hunting

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Now thats funny!

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

You can fight it all you want it is coming to a end!!To many complaints and to many people trying to hunt there!! Land owners are feed up with idiots running wild on private property!!!A few has ruined it for everyone!!

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

well looks like old big bird has finally got caught up with maybe sommebody will get his azz out of there and then we all can maybe have a chance at staighting things out that he has screwed up

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Re: MS Hunting Dog Assoc.

Well it seems at least he is willing to fight for hunting in the forrest, if you no name cowards would go to a meeting and be man enough to vote him out of that position maybe it would change. If your not willing to do it just keep your mouth shut!! We do not need to be fighting amongst us we need to be fighting the people who are fighting doghunting. Quit b----hing step up buy a $10 membership go to meetings and fund raisers and help everyone not just yourself.

Forresthunter if you know who is doing that on private property call the law and get thier butts arrested, we need to man up and stop the people messing it up for us.

There were people who said deer hunting with dogs in Mississippi would end 15 years ago and we are still doing it, if we lay down it will surely happen, IT's TIME TO STEP UP.