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Texas Hunters

Just wanted to check on all of you and hope all made it through the bad weather O.K. Also wondering what we in N. La. are in store for latter tonight.

Re: Texas Hunters

Mr. Rodney we haven't gotten any of it yet. We are going to catch the tail at the bottom of the storm. They said there were at least 4 tornados touch down in the Dallas area alone.

Re: Texas Hunters

Got a little ruff around here. The worst part of the storm was south of me. The tornadoes tore up alot around the Dallas area. It could have been alot worse. The warning systems that they have now days is so much better than in the past. Hope everyone makes it safe through the storm.

Re: Texas Hunters

Man it got pretty ruff here around gladwater and gilmer, closet tornado bout five miles overe around East Mountan, Hope Big Dennis Medlin is OK, We got alot of hail, both days, they really aint sayin much on TV bout thw Hail, so that would be somthing to prepare for
, goodluck , Shelby

Re: Texas Hunters

Got lots of rain, some wind and lots of thunder and lightning but it has passed now and headed toward Ark and La, so guys East of us watch out. My daughter lives in Dallas and a tornado touched down one block from her house but was headed East so it missed her and I have a grandson just North of Dallas and they kept them late in school because all the tornadoes were going through there just at time to turn out but he is ok also so I am praising God for that. Thanks for being concerned.