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Bench Hound Question

Will a judge doc a hound for having a scar or injury that has scar tissue but the the scar is obviously seen still there? Particularly around the ankle or foot?

Re: Bench Hound Question

I would think it would affect the way a judge sees a hound only if it affects the hounds conformation. ex...If injury has caused the hound to break down in foot.... Just my opinion....

Re: Bench Hound Question

In my understanding of the rules on bench show competition the only way that a dog can be disqualified is for a docked tail or that(he)has no *********.The overall score is divided into sections including feet,chest,head,tail etc.However the overall look of the hound would probably be noticed if had a visible scar.If the injury was serious enough to effect the way the hound stood(in my opinion)he may deduct points off the score.Hope this helps good luck and good hunting.

Re: Bench Hound Question

Thanks for the replys! It does not affect the way he stands at all or runs for that matter! Thanks