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Passing Of Mr. Louis Holliman

I just want to let all of the friends and hunters know that Mr. Louis Holliman passed away this morning from heart failure. All of us who have know Mr. Holliman for a number of years know that Mr. louis was a dedicated hunter and an even better friend. Mr. Holliman was always a pleasure to hunt and visit with every time I was ever around him. The hunting world lost one of the best and he will be missed.

Re: Passing Of Mr. Louis Holliman

Rest in piece Mr. Louis; you will be sadly missed, enjoyed hunting with him and listening to him tell stories, wish I would have heard one more. Thanks Donald for letting us know......

Re: Passing Of Mr. Louis Holliman

Mr. Louis will surely be missed. he was always a pleasure to be around. and he always keep good hounds.

Re: Passing Of Mr. Louis Holliman

I am praying for the family and friends

Re: Passing Of Mr. Louis Holliman

I enjoyed knowing Mr. Louis and hunting with him. My prayers for the family.