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Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Ok I think most have read the other post about a battle of the states hunt. Lets also kick around the idea of what it would take to get a STATE BY STATE leaderboard going. I think as a whole it would tremendously increase the enterest along with entrys. I know there would be alot of work involved but if evrything is going to one mainframe , we could elect one person from each state to help manage it for that state. feedback please and lets do this,

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

The data already exists in the Leaderboard program. All you would have to do is sort the hunt results by state and produce a list of top hounds by state depending on the state the hunts were held in or you could sort the hounds out by what state they are kenneled in and produce a list that way.
I think the Leaderboard already has what you are talking about. It would only take a couple hours to sort it out by state once you decide if you want to sort by where the hunts are held or by where the hounds are kenneled. There may be some interest in seeing the data displayed this way. There isn't any money to give back for it though.

You can basically already do this by just looking down the list of HOY and noting what state each hound comes from.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Shelby I like this idea a lot. I would like to see this happen Because I believe Illnois alredy does this. I would personally help do Arkansas's if it were to ever happen!!!

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

You probably want to do this by where dogs are kenneled...I know them FL boys would probably appreciate this seeins the only hunts held there are in the open!!!

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Heath, I know there isnt any money for it. But it would be created by the states assiociation itself.
Say we took 1$ from each hga hunt held in that state. I think we are planning on about 3 a year at boles field now, and if we avareged say 250 enrty , that comes out to 750$ split with the top ten. And it looks like the possability of the big pen coming back also if worked in ther right way with troy and boles field would allow another hunt or 2 in Texas. But only 1$ per entry would be a huge succsess I think on a state level. If they had access and seen they where in the top 20 going into dec, they would make a hunt that normaly they would not.

And I think it should also be where dogs are kenneled. Even in FL. use the outside hunts that you have or even advertise and have some smaller hunts to raise money for it. but seeing the leaderboard just with your own states hounds in it would be a big enterest and make the sport Better Bigger & Stronger.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

I had an Alabama Hound of the Year for a couple years. It was based on S&D points so every hound that finished a hunt got some points, not just the ones that placed. I collected 50 cent per entry. We included all hunts, derbies, 5 hour, 8 hour, 3 day, etc. I think it went over pretty well. The biggest problem was those Florida hunters coming over the line and winning the "Alabama" HOY.
At that time we had a very active association, the Heart of Dixie, that made sure there were a variety of hunts held in different places in the state.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Heath if we still had pens in FL, we could give em a run, even with out them FL can still hold its own

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states


You are incorrect , the leaderboard does not keep track of where everyone is from. We only ask for that information after the top 20 in each category has been determined.

The locations are not usually shown on hunt results actually...for example... there are 18 hunt results as of this morning in the graded section - only 7 of the 18 have complete owner information as to residence.


Go for it man...sounds like a good idea. Also sounded like the Tx St. was monster.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Mo. has been doing this for 20 yrs or better probaly & at the end of the year they have a 3 day open hunt with the top75 dogs. Mo. Governor's Cup.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

As I was describing that in the post above I was thinking about sorting by state where the hunt was held, which is usually pretty easy to keep track of since a lot of the FHA names are recognizable, and even not having the data on hand it would only require two more letters (AL, SC, TX) on the info that the secretary turns in to the Leaderboard.
Then I brought up the fact that you could sort by where the hound is kenneled which could be as simple as someone going down the list and marking which state a hound is from, then sorting it.
I was toggling back and forth between two ideas and talking about what could be done with very little additional effort vs what would have to be done to set up a bunch of new state level leaderboards. I didn't mean to imply that you could do this today if you wanted to but in looking back, my post does read that way. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to sound like you guys were withholding something that you could give us by pressing the "Easy" button they show on those commercials.

Now, I'm not saying the Leaderboard should do this. It just makes more sense to use the database you guys already have instead of creating 20 different state level leaderboards that would be based on (as near as I can tell) the exact same hunt results that the secretaries are already sending to you.

Maybe a modification for next year could be to require (or just ask very forcefully) that the results have City and State info on the owners and list the State where the hunt was held. Then each state that wants to have their own "Leaderboard" could collect money from their hunts and request the info from the Leaderboard to figure their own final standings for the state. Maybe you could charge $50 or something to sort out the Texas hunt results and send them to the state level organizer. Just a thought.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

We havent used the spreadsheet you used, for 3 years now.

We use 4 individual , very simple spreadsheets. Hound,hunt,points....then it summates.
Sire,hunt,points....then it summates.

IF it gets organized and takes off before the end of the year, we can add a column to the KOY spreadsheet, and keep track of which state the kennel is from (IF INFORMATION is available).

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Ahh, that might explain something else I was wondering about. I think the way the SOY is done now you get to keep the best 12 HUNTS for the Sire.
It makes more sense to limit SOY by some number of offspring, say the best 12 offspring produced by the Sire instead of the best 12 hunts that the Sires offspring placed in. I think that is the way it was several years ago. But if you are using 4 separate spreadsheets I can see why you limit the Sire by hunt, since that is the info you have already in your SS.

I'll let Shelby lead the charge to get that state stuff organized. Definitely not something I'm invested in right now. I do like the state level idea though. It would be nice to have something like that to make it more interesting for the folks who field trial locally and don't get around enough to win the big Leaderboard prizes.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

It's been done both ways.

And you actually end up with most not being cut down to 12 hunts in all 3 categories (SOY,DOY,KOY).

In the Sires last year, there were 630 different Sires with points.... only 16 had pups that placed in 12 hunts.

Of course there are a few exeptions, when 2 or 3 sires has 100's of pups eligable.

Using the hunt system, when they show out at the bigger hunts, and the hunts with higher entries, they get rewarded more for the competition level.

Re: Leaderboard & Battle of the states

Probably works better the way you are doing it now. Should cut it down so that sires with fewer, and more competitive pups can compete with the sires who have 1000 pups out there.