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Try This

Good time and cost little. Several of my friends came up with idea and wanted to try it. Wed. afternoon at my pen Jimmy Henningen, Chris Snyder, Chase Bell, Heath Davis,Jody Crowell,Jeff Bradshaw, and myself got togather to try a fun hunt. Everybody brought 2 pups and paired up to judge. Great running, lots of crossings, high scoring, and a good group of pups for all of us to look at. We all had a blast and can't wait to do it again. Some of you might want to try this, good way to see what you are feeding and cost little. Also gives your pups some good experence. By the way, Big Jimmy came out on top. I can't remember how they placed in order but we sure had a great time.

Re: Try This

We've done that at Jeff Lucas' for a few years..... $10 a dog....$5 for pen fee , and $5 for lunch.

Definately fun.

Re: Try This

Mr Rodney, the Wood boys would love to join in on the fun next time. We have always enjoyed running at your pen. If yall decide to have it again we would like to bring a couple.

Re: Try This

Mr. Rodney you can count me in the next time you have a hunt.You already know what I think about your pen so give me a call.Good luck and good hunting.