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Look around, America, look around.

From now on it gets worse. We are being sleepwalked into smaller homes, smaller cars, smaller incomes, smaller lives. Before we know it, we'll be huddled in 1950s Soviet-style two-room apartments while the liberal rich will have fled offshore to Bermuda, New Zealand, or Martha's Vineyard.

Look around, America, look around.

Today there really "two America's"— but not the mawkish Dickensian "rich and poor" division described endlessly by sob-sister liberals. Here's the reality...

In one America dwell those who work for government (21.7 million of them) enjoying a world of tenured security lavishly lubricated by gold-standard healthcare, long vacations, and generous retirement benefits all without creating a dime of wealth for the overall economy.

In the other America cower millions of "suckers" who go to work every day to support their families and build businesses, and improve their lives, and the harder they work the more they're penalized with higher taxes to support the government class in its privileged state.

Look around, America, look around.

Today, one in three members of the workforce needs government permission or certification to do their job. Sixty years ago, that number was one in twenty. The vast majority of America's wealthiest counties lie within the Washington commuter belt. What matters today is proximity not to industry or wealth creation but to government.

Worried about illegal immigration? The Obamacrats tell us it's too difficult to close our southern border. Pie in the sky. Can't be done. Ah, but change the climate of the entire planet to some unspecified Eden-like state? That we can do. Madness, sheer madness.