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Results From Winnsboro Pen Puppy Hunt

Great hunt at the Winnsboro Fox Pen. Great running and fellowship as well as plenty of food and judges.

Young Class

1st: 810 pts R&K Kennels
2nd: 735 pts Pop Crosby
3rd: 565 pts Larry and Logan Ponder
4th: 530 pts Larry and Logan Ponder
5th: 515 pts Ronnie Jones
6th: 495 pts Ronnie Jones
7th: 490 pts Oneil Hemphill
8th: 480 pts Terry Sims
9th: 470 pts Ronnie Jones
10th: 440 pts Larry and Logan Ponder

Old Class

1st: 990 pts Heath Davis
2nd: 865 pts Don Stanfield
3rd: 750 pts Don Stanfield
4th: 745 pts Jason Davis
5th: 575 pts Bubba Owens

Thanks for the hunters showing up to support the pen. Hunters please post your dogs breedings.

Re: Results From Winnsboro Pen Puppy Hunt

4th place hound old class: Sam's Skinny x I.O.U Smutt Face

Re: Results From Winnsboro Pen Puppy Hunt

1st,2nd,3rd in old Where out of Cole Creek Holley Pop & Tybrds Penny. Congrads to everyone that placed. This was a good hunt. I would like to thank Sam Powers he done a good job. Thanks Pop Crosby for letting me get this hound.

Re: Results From Winnsboro Pen Puppy Hunt

1st in young by Well's Rowdy and 2nd in young by Crosby's Rusty. Rowdy and Rusty are litter mates by Lakehill's Jaybird x Bates' Baby Girl.