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$$Tally-Ho puppy hunt May 5th$$

Hunt will be for april puppys 30$ entry. paying back cash to top5 and dog feed 6th-10th breakfast will be available cast at daylight running 4hours.
Pen 365 very fast acres really easy to get dogs caught up.

5912 Airport Rd. Mt.Croghan S.C

Contact Dustin for #s

Re: $$Tally-Ho puppy hunt May 5th$$


Re: $$Tally-Ho puppy hunt May 5th$$

How far is this from pamlico pen

Re: $$Tally-Ho puppy hunt May 5th$$

Map quest said 1hr45min

Re: $$Tally-Ho puppy hunt May 5th$$

Jason its about 25 mins from my house. Havent been in the pen in a couple years but if they have game its as good as its gets. Thats where Gonzo learned to spread his wings. It would be worth the trip. you can stay at the house if you want.