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Cutrer's Reptor

Fellow hunters A great hound has passed at the age of 13. This was totally unexpected as he was bouncing in the pen yesterday when I fed and was lying dead in the pen when I got home this evening from work. I bred Reptor and sold him as a pup (2-months old) to W.G.Cutrer who raised and trained him and had him his entire running time. He was by Almand's Woodstock ex Almand's Hollerin Hellen.He was as strong a breeder as you will ever see and at thirteen you could throw a female in season in the pen with him and within seconds he had taken care of business. At thirteen he stood high on his feet and was muscled and carried himself as a young hound.Not broken down what so ever.He was a fast track driving hound and produced the same type. He was the sire of two of the winningest hounds to ever pass through these parts Baileyville Black Johnny and Baileyville George. These were as good hounds as you could want and are well known by all that trialed with them.Reptor will be missed around here and his pups will carry on as there are several around. Thanks to all the hunters that bred or bought pups by him: JEFF

Re: Cutrer's Reptor

Jeff i am sorry to here of this i hope you got some good ones from as im shure you do.and enjoy the time you had together good luck jeff and talk to you soon

Re: Cutrer's Reptor

Sorry to hear that Jeff.....I have one that will be 14 this month & when she goes she will be missed....Again,Sorry to hear this....

Re: Cutrer's Reptor

Sorry for your loss. I know I've had some real good ones off him and most of mine know go back to him