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Results of Blackhat West March Puppy hunt - Huntsville Arkansas

This is late getting on here but the head man asked me to go ahead and put results on. There were 48 total pups entered.

Young Class
10th - #50 255pts Michael Hixon
9th - #46 270pts Michael Hixon
8th - #47 280pts Michael Hixon
7th - #31 305pts Bob Hurley
6th - #3 305pts Teddy Villines
5th - #2 315pts Teddy Villines
4th - #48 320pts Willis Stephens
3rd - #5 350pts Teddy Villines
2nd - #71 350pts Jim Edwards
1st - #40 500pts Willis Stephens

Old class
10th - #1 195pts Bob Hurley
9th - #15 205pts Bob Hurley
8th - #51 210pts Donnie Pattie
7th - #9 215pts Walter McElroy
6th - #13 235pts Bob Hurley
5th - #19 280pts Bob Hurley
4th - #23 330pts Dan Sigman
3rd - #00 375pts Bob Hurley
2nd - #16 390pts Bob Hurley
1st - #20 465pts Teddy Villines

Re: Results of Blackhat West March Puppy hunt - Huntsville Arkansas

1st old Class Lanham's Swiffer x DB Hollywood Sage
7th old Class GK's Wheelbearing x Rea's Bird