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Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Fox 8 news talked about coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood. They said they are eating cats and other small pets. The local police and sherriffs office is dealing with the problem. I say let some of those coonass down there turn a good pack of walker dogs loose and you want have that problem. Just thought I would talk about it a little. Anyone have some other ideas?

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Hell most of what you call hounds has to be ran in a pen to run one!!!

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

I hunt on the outside(blessed)and have been cussed out so many times I lost count because my dogs keep people awake.I really hope the coyotes bite off toenails when these idiots go outside. Outlaw dog hunting and see whats to come around the bend....

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Hell I can end that the same way i ended dogs on my lease: Poison!! Very very cheap!! No more yotes!!!!

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)


You must be a very intelligent individual.

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Hell I can end that the same way i ended dogs on my lease: Poison!! Very very cheap!! No more yotes!!!!

If you're using Temic, you better be careful. That stuff just keeps on killing. Whatever eats the yote will die and what eats it will die. It's some nasty stuff.Highly illegal too if you don't have the proper paperwork.

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

ur some kind of hunter if u poison anything, seems like ur a self centered low life that only cares about ur self and what u like to do !!! just my opnion

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Doc is not welcome or needed on a dog hunting sight. I will bring 3-4 culls and cast on "YOUR LEASE" and I hope they don't come out....'cause the next time you go on it you won't come out either...address PLEASE

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)


Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Hey Doc - Do the deer on your lease like ashes?

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Doc you need a taste of Charlie Daniels song where the criminal Is takin out in the swamp tied Up and let the snakes and gators Do the rest

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

im an outside hunter, the only hunting i do is fox and cat , abt 3 years ago we had nothing to run everything was gone, fox, coon, almost everything but cat, nothing we were wondering where everything went, it was a wasteland, i dont hunt to catch anything cause i love to hunt, one night a good friend of mine was with me trotng dogs down a boundry road, he struck a cat and the dogs went on the adjucant club, maybe 14 of a mile in, we have permission to get out dogs off this club so he went to get them back, he came up on them in the crossroads eating something, at that time 4 of them couldnt jump in the truck, he called me on the radio, and told me something was in the road that made them sick, he came top me and i looked at them wondering what they ate they were in bad shape, he went home, next morn those were dead, and 2 more were bad off, he lost 6, i went to see what they ate the next day, table scraps that were pink, i knew it was poison, so i figured they didnt care abt anything so why should i abt them, the road eas littered with possums, and dead buzzards, i called the dnr, they came and got samples, came out to be temic, found 12 places where it had been put out, they called dept of agriculter and they traced it back to where it was bought, and went by the list of club members, the man was in the club, it ki8lled everything that came in contact with it , they said if it hit a running stram it could possibly kill everything that drank the water, and everything that ate the dead, they said if the u.s fish and wildlife got ahold of this and they was 1 bald eagles nest within 15 miles of this mess they would have shut all hunting down for awhile, all that stuff has a chemical signature, just wish someone could find some on ur lease and turn it in cause u would get ur just, u sir are a discrace to all hunters in the united states, and what gives those antis ammunition aganist us all

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

Hope you sue'd the guy and their club. Then beat the teeth out of that guy after you got paid.

Re: Coyotes terrorizing a neighborhood in Harahan (Louisiana)

They done this in SC last year and bought killed people. Dogs got in it and they caught the dogs and it got on them.