
Official Website of the Foxhunters Hall of Fame

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who won

who won the pickup this morning?

Re: who won

Donnie Valentine !!!!!

Re: who won

Yet again Louisiana proves they have the fastest dogs!!! Geez!

Re: who won

Who did he buy it from?

Re: who won

Texas, out of his dog. He raised 2nd place too. LA still fastest!

Re: who won

First was off valentines black dog and second was off valentines Bart !!!! To bad he want let anyone breed to them !!!!!

Re: who won

Black Dog aint even at Donnie's.... been gone from there a while now

Re: who won

the first place dog was off of lakehills ike

Re: who won

Valentines Ike won sired by valentines black dog , second place was valentines blue sired by valentines Bart !!!

Re: who won

A good purchase that's makes ole britney lee more valuable , congradultions valentine hope u spend the next under 2,000 wisely .. Just talking s*** great job

Re: who won

2 in a row talk about luck

Re: who won

Congrats Donnie V. Time to go for a new car next year maybe.

Re: who won


Re: who won

I don't see the answer. Last truck hunt he got the dog from Ark. Who did he buy this one from?

Re: who won

what is the dame?

Re: who won

Valentines Ike was purchased from Art Spurlock a couple years ago. I think Ike is over 4 years old.. Even if you purchase a good hound, you gotta know what to do with it. Donnie won the Central LA 2-day hunt last November, with Ike, so that shows you it takes a real houndsman to accomplish this feat. Congrats Donnie!! My baby Ike's are looking good, thanks for being a good friend!
I don't go to these 3-hour hunts, but I don't knock the guys that bust their azz to get em ready for a hunt like this.

Re: who won

who else placed in top ten. how many dogs?


Re: Re:btt

What kind of truck was it?

Re: Re:btt

dodge 1500 regular cab

Re: who won

mr jason, sounds like you mite of bin there. do you know the top ten?

Re: who won

i don't remember it all 1,2 was valentine i think 3rd was stonecipher ( i think stonecipher had 6 in the top 20 and valentine had 4 or 5) scott lanham placed a dog in the top 10. adam cain had a dog in there somewhere. I'm sure someone will have it up before long. I might be wrong on some of those but that's just what i rememberred.

Re: who won


Re: who won

Did butler go again this year does anyone know ?

Re: who won

last year truck was supposed to have been fullyloaded 4x4 but that wasnt what was there just plain ford truck

Re: who won

Congradulation donnie ! Was this a byrd and valentine show ?

Re: who won

Kyle u know it was them two are hard to deal with wherever they show up they come to get envelopes or trucks don't matter . Contracts donnie an Byrd .

Re: who won

I would like to congratulate Terry Byrd and Donnie Valentine on their win. Would all so like to thank Harland,Earl and Willie for having the game ready and putting on a first class hunt. Most of you computer hunters don't know this, but the hunt was about 20 entries short of having enough money to buy the truck. Now most pen owners would have just canceled the hunt. Harland said he was going to give away a truck and he did. Just one more reason why he was put in the Hall of Fame this year.

Re: who won

Donnie, I would like to DITTO your post. Don't think anyone would turn down a brand new pickup.We thought about you all Saturday, and missed not seeing everyone. Hopefully next one we will be able to come down. We talk to Harland and Shirley on the phone, but it's not like being there. Thanks for your good post.

Re: who won

Well all pen owners isn't a millionaire like Harland if they were there would be truck hunts and other big hunts everywhere! Congrats on valentines win and the rest of field of 20 that placed. One thing forsure I might not have alot of money but aleast I have good hounds funny.

Re: who won

Donny Butler
the hunt was about 20 entries short of having enough money to buy the truck.

There are two major reasons why the entries for this hunt were low. I have much respect for Harland and agree that he is one of the greatest influences in field trialing, but there are two major flaws with this hunt. 1) 2000 acre pen / 35 score takers = 57 acres per judge. Now let me ask you this would you attend a puppy hunt in a 100 acre pen with only two judges taking scores? Probably not. So why would someone attend this hunt with a $250 entry fee plus expenses on the line? I realize there cannot be a judge every couple of acres but this is a speed and drive hunt not an outside field trial. Again $250 entry vs a $10 entry...big difference. 2) the ad for this hunt claimed the "best track running hound" would win this hunt. I would be willing to bet the truck that the best track running hound did not win this hunt. These score takers need to get an education on which dog is actually running the coyote and which dog is waiting on the road with his head in the air. A dog that placed in the top twenty laid at the trucks over 1/3 of the hunt but the dog did spike a lot of crossings. Did that dog deserve to place? I my opinion no. That dog may be a good outside hunter but should not have been scored or should have been scratched. These so called score takers need an education on which dogs are running and which dogs are cherry-picking. I am not saying Donnies dog is guilty of this and I give him all the credit in the world. 2 trucks in a row, Congratulations! I am saying something needs to improve or numbers will continue to be short.

Re: who won

Clubhouse we may all say something about not enough judges at a hunt. But if there is only 1 Judge in a hundred acres the hound that is LUCKY and GOOD enough to run the game past that judge at the front of the race he deserves to win. All the whinning and crying is the main reason we can't get enough judges now. I don't know Mr. Stonecipher but would like to THANK him for supporting and helping carry on the sport. And congradulate all the hunters who were able to attend the hunt.

P.S. If I could afford it I would do the same.

Re: who won

Congrats to all who placed. **** all the cry babys. I hope Mr. Stonecipher keeps putting on these hunts maybe ill have something worth bringing to the next one.

Re: who won

fyi i am not crying about this hunt. i was in attendence for this hunt i have attended all of his hunts. obviously you were not. a statement was made about entry numbers. obviously harland does not hear all of the comments so why not address them to improve on numbers. if you think every outcome is about luck go to a dog track and bet a race. i spend too much time and resources for luck as does harland. did i say anything negative about the judges...no. i said they are undermanned and need more support. i will be at the next hunt harland puts on see you there.

Re: who won

dont know ya clubhouse but you hit it on the nose

Re: who won

If you truly only need scoretakers and not judges then you ought to be able to have 75-80 at every hunt. Send a bus down to the poor part of the nearest town and tell them you will feed them breakfast and lunch if they will take a pad and write down the numbers of the dogs that are following behind the game. Post a flyer at the local high schools and offer the sports teams a donation if they will come help take scores.
I don't need to tell Harland or anyone else how to spend their money on a hunt but if a man is willing to pump the cash in the way he has then I know there are ways to fill that pen up with warm bodies who can read numbers and write them down on a pad. That is the greatest advantage of the "scoretaker" idea. You don't have to know anything about a hound to do it. You just have to be able to see and be able to read and write.

Re: who won

Club house you don't know what you said because in your top post you most certainly Said judges need a education about what was track running hounds and what was standing in the road waiting. Maybe you should go back and read it again!

Re: who won

in my opinion if you want to address a man on something you let him know who you are and he may listen.instead of hiding in clubhouse peeking out window!!!!!

Re: who won


Re: who won


Re: who won

I am so glad that the drug police has found time to criticize and critique another area of dog hunting. Maybe while the drug nazi is gathering up the underprivileged score takers he can gather up their yard dogs, give them the miracle speed pills he wants to ban, and get in a race.
If you have ever been to one of Harland's events you were treated first class. If things do not go perfect, it is not because the effort was not made. Harland's rules are clear, if it runs it is scored, no scratching. You should have known that when you walked through the gate! I am sure when he want suggestions from any of us he will call and ask rather than check this web site for no name solicitors of advice. Where was the last hunt you went to that had 35 judges/score takers that were paid by pen owner?
Congratulations Donnie.

Re: who won

Patrick, I don't know what you read or what you were smoking before you read it but what I posted was a promotion of the ideas put forth by Harland. There was not a stitch of criticism in there. The great advantage of "scoretakers" is that they are unskilled labor. You can pick up a truck load at Home Depot. Some hunts worry over finding enough "good judges" to make a good field trial. With Harland's idea, you don't need to worry about that. You can do things that other hunts can't do. I'd like to see him continue to promote his idea and I don't mind mentioning the benefits of it.
We had some whiz bang hunts at the Dixieland Delight pen in Samson, AL. $250 entry, 200 acres, 25-40 hounds, 35 scoretakers. It was a lot of fun to say the least. I'll try to post an example of a score sheet from a hunt like this. Barney's Ace/Hammerindown Ace won a great hunt like this. Robert Jackson and David Richburg won a good one in similar fashion.

I can tell you are not interested in having an honest conversation about the drug issue so I won't go there. I am sorry that it has upset you.
About getting in a race: Are you talking about the stud hounds Yard Dog T and Lofton's Miracle? That would have been a fun match race to watch.

Re: who won

Here is a score report from a winning hound at one of our hunts several years ago.

Re: who won

That's about 3,000 points in 3.5 hours using a standard scoring system (35-30-25-20-15 and 20 pts running alone).

I don't know if Harland is using the 45 points for first place and 30 points for running alone that he talked about years ago or if they score using the standard method.

Re: who won

Here is Harland's explanation of why it will take a track running hound to win a hunt in his pen...

"On April 14, 2012, we will give away a new Ford truck after three hours of running.
The entry fee to compete for this new truck is $250.00. The best, fast track running hound will win this truck. Track running is the key. Hounds will only be scored when they are actually running a coyote.
This 2,000 acre pen is about 50% open and 50% brush. This pen has heavy brush cover on the south side and heavy cover on the east side of the pen. Some of this brush is heavy enough and thick enough to make it difficult to walk through or ride a horse or four wheeler through it.
The coyotes in this pen will occasionaly cross the open parts of this pen on their way to another brushy area. The coyotes that spend too much time running in the open parts of the pen get caught. The surviver coyotes in this pen learn to take the open on their way to another brushy area only when they have a pretty good lead on the hounds. Sight races do occur and will see some of these on this hunt. The hunt will be won by hounds that can run a track whether it be in open country or in the brush and particularly in the brush.
I want to give you an example of the last field trial held in this pen. This was Earl Jones Oklahoma Classic. There were 130 hounds entered and each had approximately 40 very qualified, objective and honest scoretakers. The running was above average. My hound, Snell, that I bought from Walter McElroy won this event. Only speed and drive scores, no hunting , no trailing. Snell is a nice small Walker male and I like him. Snell is not a fast hound and I don’t believe any who know him would classify him as a fast hound.
You will not be competing against me for the truck.
I have any number of hounds that are faster than Snell in a straight way race after a coyote that goes from one side of the pen to the other. In this type of race he will usually get a pack score. Snell didn’t win the hunt with pack scores. He won it with more first place crossings. How did he do it? Simple, he stayed after the coyote when the “wind spitters” over ran the track!
Do you have a good fast track running hound, if so, you could drive home a new truck. This will be a great hunt – you will be able to see a lot of running. The best fast track running hound will win!!!"

That sounds reasonable to me.

Re: who won

Heath, Thanks for posting that from Harland... He has described Snell to a T.... Many dogs faster. He can definitely run his game. Have seen him many, many times do just what Harland described in post... I have come to the conclusion that a hound that can run his game consistently will do very well in a hunt such as this... I have sure missed having Snell around for the past year.... Sometimes wish he still wore my collar... I think Harland has the best interest in our sport at the heart of what he is trying to do.... The difference between him and many of us is that he is not afraid to try things and he has the means to do it....

Re: who won

Heath you da man!!!!!!!!!

Re: who won

thanks heath exactly my point for my original post. i love the scoretaker idea but if we are attending a speed and drive hunt lets fill it with score takers and give credit to the dogs that are actually doing the work. coach i bet snell was hammering coyotes in the brush but probably got very few 1st place crossings because there wern't enough judges to give credit to where it was due!

Re: who won

For a hunt like we are talking about, I don't want a hound to go more than a minute without an opportunity to go by a judge. I know in 2000 acres it is a lot harder to cover than in 200 acres but you can get it covered if you can round up enough people and put a pad and a pencil in their hand. What might be upsetting to some folks is that when you can't cover an entire pen you have to start deciding what parts of the pen are going to get covered and what parts are going to get passed over. Most humans like to be in the open where they can see more of the world. That sometimes means the open areas get covered better than the brushy areas. If that happens, the good track running hounds like Snell might loose out to a faster, sight running hound. I don't know if the truck winner is more of a track running hound or more of a sight running hound and I don't know which type is preferred by most of the hunters who attended. It seems like Harland likes a track running hound that can pull up close to the game if it runs out into the open. If you can get one that keeps the lead in the brush and in the open then you are on to something. I remember the first big truck hunt at Bastrop, LA and Gambler and Dealer both looked fine to me.

Re: who won


Re: who won

I hesitate to speak about a hound that belongs to another man now. All I can do is state what I know about the hound when I owned him... Don't get me wrong, Snell knows how to get back to the front end if he is knocked out of a race... He is by no means a leaf flipper as some say... There are many others with more flat out speed than him. He always had the ability to run his game when he got it.. Never one to hit, run it 100 yards and then start looking again... He would stay after it and had the ability to run game close. For me, that is pretty close to exactly what I want in a hound. I know others have differing opinions.. Yes, he could have run a coyote for long periods of time in the brush but that is just the luck of the draw... From what I understand, he finished 6th in the truck hunt... I'm sure there were many very good hounds in that hunt and to me if you were fortunate enough to get your name called you should be proud of your hound even if you had to haul him or her home in the same truck you came to hunt in. I know how hard it is to get judges (scoretakers).. I can only imagine how hard it is to find people to cover that much ground in a hunt... It would be nice if we could have plenty of judges in every hunt... But we have to do the best we can with what we can get I guess.....

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