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Puppy Hunt Results

I would like to thank all the hunters and judges that came to the hunt this morning. Young class-1st place with 675 pts. #9 Larry and Logan Ponder- 2nd place with 655 pts. #5 Ben Leedy - 3rd place with 525pts. #0 Walter Bolton - 4th place with 465 pts. #7 Ben Leedy - 5th place with 440 pts. #4 Tommy Bamburg.
Old Class - 1st place with 1090 pts. #91 Larry and Logan Ponder - 2nd place with 845 pts. #90 Larry and Logan Ponder - 3rd place with 565 pts. #96 Jimmy Teat - 4th place with 555 pts. #77 Ben Leedy - 5th place with 480 pts. #76 Jimmy Teat

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

#0 - Canerdays Tyson x Broadways Ug

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

#5-Murphys Lil Joe + Edminstons Cassie. #7-Ponders Santa + Goss's Maggie. #77-Ponders Santa + Ponders Billie Jean. Congrats to all that placed, had a good time mr David c y'all next time.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

#4 was (BABY)Sam!s Ax-Man x Tonk!s Pearl.Had a good time as usual and thanks to David!s wife for the best cookies that I have ever had.Good to see you doing so well,GOD is good all the time.Best wishes for you and David.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Thomas how old is this puppy what is his wheping date. Congrats Ponder on your wins.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

1st in young (ponders santa x goss's Maggie ll)
1&2 in old (Rodgers p-Joe x ponders Nikki)

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Jeff Broadway,this is for you and you alone;the pup was whelped on 6-16-11,and is a female not a male off of my Pearl gyp,the only one that I kept out of that litter.If you have any question call me at 307-0042.

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

congrats larry on you're wins and everybody that placed

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

What is the breeding on Rodgers pjoe and Ponders Nikki ?

Re: Puppy Hunt Results


Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Jarod, roger's P-Joe is a fine July Hound , Ed's Smoking Joe X Tallent's Bell, grandpup of Chandler's Viper and Tallent's Husquvarna. Nikki is just some old walker gyp that Larry keeps around

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Y'all check ya boots cause I think someone stepped in some July poopoo oh no that's just mr Rodney lol I thought I smelled a July man . No but mr Rodney is rite p-Joe is a great July dog all that a hunter wants n a hound and far as Nikki I won and placed this gyp in alot of hunts she was off of ponders Santa x canerdays tinker both hounds could do what u wanted for as long as u wanted and there pups can do the same

Re: Puppy Hunt Results

Congratulations Larry on your win.Let me know if you need anoher judge fo your hunt on the 21st.Thanks and good hunting.