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5 yr & Older Hunt...

It's only a few weeks away!! The game is running good!! The hunt is full!!! Again, If you arent going to make it to the hunt. PLEASE turn your numbers in!I have people on a waiting list. If you have numbers & I haven't talked to you, please give me a call. My phone got wet and I lost lot of contact's!!!

Jimmy Teat is the MOH.
Have alot of top notch judges lined up!!
It's going to be alot of fun!!

Re: 5 yr & Older Hunt...

Joni, just checking to make sure you are not saving my numbers. I am sure you got my message that I can't come but just wanted to make sure, don't want you to keep someone else out waiting for me. Thanks.

Re: 5 yr & Older Hunt...

Mr Don,
Yes sir I got it!! Thanks for checking!! ;)

Re: 5 yr & Older Hunt...
