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Prayers Needed

Randy Bates due to have open heart surgery tomorrow.
Chuck Holland from Specialty Feeds had work done on his heart.
Hope Bratton, my daughter, has a branchial cist on her neck, we go to a surgeon today, see what can be done. Please pray for these 3.

Re: Prayers Needed

Hey Johnny, tell hope my prayers are with her. And my prayers are with randy, and chuck. God bless. Joey d.

Re: Prayers Needed

Johnny our prayers are with Hope, Randy, Chuck

Re: Prayers Needed

They are in our prayers

Re: Prayers Needed

Janette and I will be praying for all.

Re: Prayers Needed

All 3 will be in our prayers.

Re: Prayers Needed

We will be praying for all 3 as well.

Re: Prayers Needed

Johnny how are Randy and Hope

Re: Prayers Needed

Word from Buckville is that Randy made it thru Surgery,doing ok bu in the Intensive Care Unit being watched. They had to take a Vein from his leg and reroute Blood flow. Haven't heard from Bro Johnny's Daughter. BDS.

Re: Prayers Needed

praying for all three, God is faithful

Re: Prayers Needed

Thax guys, my daughter has got to have surgery may 3rd. Randy had 4 bi-passes an is in ICU, an Chuck got to go home.

Re: Prayers Needed

How is Randy doing?

Re: Prayers Needed

Randy is still in the Hospital doin better, goin be down for awhile. He is goin to be off work for a long time, with lots of Dr. bills, if any would like to help, he would be very thankful. Are Church is taking up a Love Offering this Sunday, for him an his family.