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The Chase

I promise I am not trying to start anything, I just want to ask a question. Does the staff at The Chase act like it makes them mad for you to call them to EVERYONE? Or is it just me they treat that way?

Re: The Chase

I think it depends on who you are. It is not just you

Re: The Chase

i know nothing about anyone else buisness with the chase but i do know about me,from when ms fightmaster was there right on up to now with ms jo ann, sharon and the staff and officers i have never been treated with more respect by anyone than i have by the people at the chase down through the years and that is a fact.

Re: The Chase

Marcus it is a shame as I would love to see them do well but it is not just you it is a lot of hunters that complain of this and yes I am one of them. I have almost quit dealing with the Chase entirely and am hearing this same thing from a whole lot of hunters. Wish it were different because I used to Register all my hounds in both magazines.

Re: The Chase

I have LE. AN REG. MANY HOUNDS with the chase,have always been treated nice and fair. They have spent hours on top of hours researching pedgrees for me. I trust their acquiesce.