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Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

May 19th at Kountry Korner in Rosston, Ar. $50 entry fee. $10 will go to pen, $10 will go to our association, $30 will go back to the hunters. Will be a derby and all age hunt. Top 10 payout in each class with 50 in each class. Derby uses 0-99, All age 100 and up. Will run 4 hours

Contact David Bonner to reserve numbers starting April 19th at 7 am. He will be at Arkansas Masters if you want to get them there. cell (903)265-1353, home (936)269-3028, work (936)269-3155

We want to thank the Arkansas State BOD for allowing us to have this hunt in their facility.

We will also be having a 1 day in the fall at Shelbyville, Tx in the Boles Field fox pen. Stay tuned for those details.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Need to turn numbers in not gonna make it

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Curtis what numbers do u have I am not having any luck getting in touch with David


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

61 77 derby 611 711 all age u can have them let m know what u use

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Thanks Curtis i will need all of them

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

So, here it is less thana week from what is gonna be an awesome hunt and it's way too quiet! Last time I checked, you boys from AR are typically full of hot air and never at a loss for words, even though half of y'all are always scared to even put your name when you do talk trash! Speak up, let's know who it's gonna be. Are y'all worried bout some TX dogs coming from 5 hours?? my LA buddies are backing out to go run in a puppy pen, so we dont have to worry bout them. So I guess it's down to TX and AR! Y'all will have us outnumbered but, we're coming with guns-a-blazing!
Where are y'all Almost Famous followers and how bout my buddies from Umpire? Who the hell is actually gonna show up? [

Wake up boys!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

There not much coming from texas

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Be careful CD. You might wake up a sleeping giant. Lol

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

CD not all of us like to talk. We just let the tailgate drop.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Davis, you might be surprised, been shopping!!

Rob, truth is i ain't got crap, so it's a whole lot easier to talk. Not scared of any giants, been squashed before, but have also cut down a few beanstalks!!!

Jimmy, come on now, i like that THEORY, but i know ALL you boys like to talk some smack. PS - when you use a fake name, be sure and delete your e-mail address at the bottom!!! that's in reference on another post i saw the other day!! lol

Looking forward to it guys, see yall Friday, bout mid day!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Cd not a fake name .It my kennel name . I know I'm not one of you big boys so nobody knows of hoop &hollar but thats the beauty of field trailing even US Lil guys have a chance . Good luck should be a great hunt.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Hoop i know what you mean, i'm in the that "lil guy" class too. One day we can run with BB and Davis and the Umpire boys!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Cd I don't dream that big . I dream of stuff like winning the lotto not running with that group of men u mentioned that is a fine group of hounds men . That usually win and place every where they go.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Mr McCoy you don't know me I'm sure but I'm small time too but if you realy want to see what ARKANSAS has come to Mr Kidds june 2 good hunting

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Mark you couldn't get Cary Don at Runts even if you paid for his gas. Trust me I have offered!!! Its either thats to far or thats not his type of pen or some other lame excuse.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Pen may be to fast think

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

It's too far and the pen is too fast!!!

And I do know you Mark Cox!

But, I will be in Rosston this Saturday and at a hunt in Shelbyville on June 2 if either of you big boys want to venture out a little!!

Notice how I didn't say anything about those sissy 3 hour hunts!!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Good stop and vist me and get your puppy!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Brim, He's been all over the south USA buying up new stock. He could prolly get her back to Texas on some of those frequent flyer miles he's been building up.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Cary Don what are you going to run this weekend? You got rid of your best dogs. Let me guess are you going to run VALENTINES bert or come get me im done jasmine or maybe look at the the way my trouble gyp moves puppy or patti finally had a crossing or my new little goss units, or bella bout out of rottella motor oil.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Dang Jimmy!!!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

jimmy are you coming to the hunt,your full of shiz, brinng that shiz you got to hope see what you got,

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Jimmy, i was gonna hit you a lick, but that jason guy done went off. So, in parting, i will say that whatever i bring, IT WILL BARK!!!!

PS - Are YOU coming??? if you do and have something 15 months old to bring, we can do some side betting, that's what i'm bringing!! oh yea, and one not even 12 months old that we can wager on too!!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Notice I didn't say anything about them walkathons it just what ever you want to do

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Get'em CD, don't let them bull you. We all know the dogs are bigger and better in Texas.....

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Cd how long are these dogs going to be 15 months old? You are starting to sound like some of these north louisiana boys. And she may not bark much but when she does at least its not out of place!!! And as far as Jason im not sure who he is.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

jimmy are you coming to the hunt,your full of shiz, brinng that shiz you got to hope see what you got,

Staying at Sugar Creek where I can travel the roads!!!

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

C.D you know I been layin low! So I'm bustin them out at Hope. All i need to know is where will everybody be when I get there Friday? Goin to be a good one , I hear the pen is runnin good...

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day. fundraiser

Bull rider,I knew you had numbers, but thought you were keeping it secret. Glad you're coming. I'll be there Friday during the day. Will get in touch.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser


Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

WEll who all is coming???? Who will be MIA??? Let us know what ain't scared.

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Anyone going from around rustin I have a dog that needs a ride to the hunt
I cant make it but my kennel Parker will be there . Thanks

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Who won and placed?

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

Cary don kicked azz an want to know what those 15 months are out of.. Congratulations An oh yeah another Efird show for the old class congratulations

P.s I missed bullet

Re: Ark-La-Tex Masters 1 day fundraiser

This is so funny the doc let me out of rehab to kick clown kennels azz once again! U better go buy u some thick gloves cause y'all going to be clapping for awhile. My doc told me there's no cure for kicking tails??