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Nostalgia for a Big Money S&D Hunt

The Truck Hunt in Oklahoma got me to thinking about some good hunts we had at Jim Wheeler's Dixieland Delight pen in Samson, AL.
Here are some old posts and pictures from the last Shoot Out we had.

Alabama Masters Shoot Out Results

1. 2925 points - Hammerindown Zoe (Hammerindown Ace x McCoy's Red Bird), David Richburg & Robert Jackson, Opp, AL & Bristol, FL

2. 1925 points - Hammerindown Sue Ellen II (Hammerindown Ace x Hammerindown Autumn), David Richburg & Robert Jackson, Opp, AL & Bristol, FL

3. 1640 points - Hammerindown Asa (Hammerindown Ace x Hammerindown Jitter Bug), David Richburg & Robert Jackson, Opp, AL & Bristol, FL

4. 1455 ponts - Lemon, Jamie Welborn, MS

5. 1445 points - Baby, Jamie & Terry Wayne, MS

21 hounds entered, 17 judges, over 23,000 points awarded.

Hammerindown Zoe
102 crossings
Avg crossing - 28.7 pts

Zoe, Sue Ellen II, and Asa

We had 54 numbers reserved. I would guess that gas prices, bad economy, and the lack of quality hounds kept some hunters away. I had heard some good things about some hounds from MS and LA and I thought they would have had a chance to win but we will never know now.
With 20 more hounds things could have been a lot different. The way it turned out I think all the hunters could see it was going to be a blow out before the hunt was over. The nice thing about the Dixieland Delight pen is that you can see most of the running.
For the first 45 minutes it was fast and furious with a lot of hounds showing out. We had 4 and 5 races going on and some of them were sight races. I think that pulled some hounds down pretty quickly. At one point I scored 3 races on 4 coyotes within 1 minute. I was worried we were going to lose some game. Some of the other judges were scoring a grey fox race and once I thought I saw a the little critter cross on me. As the thing got closer to me I saw it was a coyote who was stretched out with his belly on the ground trying to put some real estate between him and the hound that was looking at him. After a while the running settled down and the cream started to rise. The coyotes faired a little better after the 1st hour. We only caught one piece of game and she is recovering in a holding pen as I type. She is going to be retired to the puppy pen for the rest of her days.
We were expecting to have about 3.5 hours of running before the game went to ground or up a tree but we ended up having solid running the whole time. It was the best running we have had in the pen in several months.
We are going to give up the lease at the end of July and the pen will likely be closed to the public after that so if anyone wants to experience the Dixieland Delight one more time call and book a morning to come run.

-We had pretty good scoring with only 17 judges at this hunt. I know we had a hunt with 32 judges one time and there might have been even more than that the year that Ace won the Deep South Masters big money shootout.

Some pictures from the pen...

Re: Nostalgia for a Big Money S&D Hunt

Heath, great group of pictures of game that are in excellent shape. Really like the grey fox. This looks like a real nice pen and I like the terrain. Looks like it has everything that anybody would want to run in. Also I like pic's of all the old hounds and hunters. Spend a lot of time looking back at old magazines and reading some of these old stories.

Re: Nostalgia for a Big Money S&D Hunt

It is a shame the pen is closed down, I wish somone could afford to get it sure was some good running and all you wanted to see.

Later Pole!

Re: Nostalgia for a Big Money S&D Hunt