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scott hackler

Scott .. I sure hope what Toby has been telling me about you lately about Wayne county isn't true. I know Toby likes to lie a lot but word is he plans on stomping you with his secret weapon ! Haven't we heard about his secret weapon before ?

Re: scott hackler

Chelsea it's going to be hard to draw Scott out, Hunter hasn't had his Binki in a while now I dunno if it's cause Fawn took it away or scott is hogging it since the last time we ran together!!!
Plus I was a nice guy invited him to run the other day he came not only did I keep him posted on what was crossing but had to catch all but two dogs there kinda like hunting with Ray Charles that day!

Re: scott hackler

Hi Chelsea,
Now you should know by now that when Toby's mouth opens all that falls out of it is "DUMB"
Ask Toby what pretty much dominated the first 2 hours of running. That's right, A 5 year old brood gyp that hasn't been ran in a month that we know and love "ZAP"
Rickey's Slingblade X Sawyer's Bobbie Sue. That's right, Thundering Herd X Crowley's Ridge BURNT THAT BUTT!!!! Now I have to give Toby credit where credit is due, He does have the best 1 day 4 hour 50 minute hounds that I have seen in along time

Look forward to seeing you sunday.
Plan on getting cut

Re: scott hackler

Chelsea I think Scott is working to much or something he sure isn't thinking right!
Scott I will bring my cut vest, if you will bring your running shoes. I sure hope "I" have some help catching hounds this time. I know your age might be getting to you but you can't nap when it's time to get caught up.