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obama gun salesman of the year

Obama 'Salesman of the Year
A 61 percent boom in the nation’s gun industry since 2008 has led some experts in the business to call President Barack Obama their “salesman of the year,” according to The Washington Times.

The National Shooting Sports Foundation reported in a survey released Thursday that the economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry totaled $31 billion in 2011 — up from $19 billion in 2008. The figure includes jobs, taxes, and sales. The foundation, which has its headquarters in Newtown, Conn., is the trade association for the firearms industry.

The number of jobs in the gun industry increased by 30 percent to 98,750, and firearms businesses paid $2.5 billion in federal taxes, up 66 percent in the three-year period, the foundation said. Additionally, background check requests for purchases of firearms set records in 2010 and 2011, FBI data shows.

Fears that Obama will tighten gun control laws if he wins re-election triggered the rise in business, officials in the business say. “There’s a concern that in the second term the Obama administration would lead an attempt to restrict gun ownership,” foundation Senior Vice President Lawrence G. Keane, told The Washington Times.

“Some people jokingly refer to [President Obama] as the salesman of the year for the industry,” Keane said.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

And people said he new nothing about business.

It just amazes me what people do when you scare them with false fact's. I still have'nt found anyone who could tell me who would come get my gun or anyone that would turn them in.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

The only good thing I can say about Obama is that he is a GREAT politician. He has been pretty smart about not pushing for some of these controversial issues because he knows he is going to be running for a second term so he is pretty careful but as we heard him talking to the Russian diplomat a few weeks back, he indicated that he would be able to do much more after this next election because obviously he won't be concerned about running again. If we let him get in there for another term, pardon the poor english, but "we ain't seen nothing yet"!!!!!!! If you had questions about some of his ideas in the past three years, you aren't going to like this last four at all. I truly believe this man is real danger to our country and we need to vote him out of this office!!!!!!!!

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Worm, I'm afraid that you are like the man that jumped out of the 20 story building and as he passed by the 10'th floor someone asked him how he was doing and he yelled back, so far everything is ok. That is kinda funny but in our case it really isn't!!!! This man is dangerous and is just waiting the proper time. He is very smart, I give him that.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

If they pass gun control laws the jail time for owning one would be so long most people will turn them in

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

God Bless America and Shine your light on Her..




established one day a year as


"NationalDay of


"IN 1988



designated the


Thursday in May of each year as


National Day of Prayer.







Barack Obama


that the USA

"Was no longer a





President Obama




annual National Day

of Prayer



the White

House under the ruse


"not wanting to offend anyone"


on September 25, 2009


4 AM until 7 PM,


National Day of Prayer



was Held on Capitol


Beside the White House.


were over 50,000 Muslims

in D.C. that





guess it Doesn't matter

if "Christians"


offended by this event -



Don't count as




direction this country is headed


strike fear in the heart of every


especially knowing that



religion believes that if Christians cannot


converted, they should be



is not a Rumor -


to the website


confirm this info:

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

So Don can you tell me who is going to take my gun? Because I am not going to give them to no one.

I've know a lot of people in the military and have yet to find one that would come get them.

I guess I look for the good in all people, I don't care if it is mickey mouse if he were ELECTED by the American people. If Romney wins I will look for what good he can do for this country, but if you look back over the past 40 years and look what polices helped the MIDDLE CLASS I think you will see that democratic polices worked the best. And that's a fact. I respect your opinion just like everyone else's so that's why you want ever see me say anything about someone I don't know. Except maybe a POLITICIAN . But I have been known to stir the pot a little.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Worm, I don't think we will ever see the time that we can't own a reguar deer rifle or shotgun,and I don't think that anyone will ever come to your house and take either of these. But I believe that Obama is so far removed from country ways and country living and common sense approaches that there will be during his second term tremendous restrictions on the amt of ammunition you can buy, and almost impossible to own a handgun or any type of rifle other than some designated "hunting rifles", and the requirements for owning them will be tremendous requirements for registering them etc. Now execpt for these few exceptions, I believe he will push for and have many laws passed to make it nearly impossible to own most handguns and sport guns such as assault rifles etc. And I don't expect the law to come to each house and search it looking for these but there will most likely be huge penalties even possibly jail time to get caught with anything other than something considered a regular normal hunting rifle or shotgun, and a very restricted amt of ammunition because this man is power hungry and doesn't understand our way of life at all and wants to push his ideas and ideals off on everyone. Now if you're ok with these kinds of restrictions go for it but I just don't want to live under the type of rules and regulations that a "city slicker" who has no real idea about what real living is, and as I said, a man with no common sense, no old time horse sense, and Worm, he is already showing signs of overpowering Congress by bypassing them anywhere he can find the legal power to do it and as I stated earlier, we havn't seen anything like what we are going to see if he gets in this second time, he will have nothing to fear, he won't have another election to have to prepare for and his true nature will come out and it won't be pretty He can put so many ridiculious restrictions on buying and selling ammunition that most of those guns that you are so proud of and that no one is going to take from you, will need to be filed into sharp points on the ends of the barrels and make them into spears. A gun with ammo is useless!!!

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

You're wight Brother. IF you don't think it can happen as a person from Jolly ole England!!

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

I meant to say a gun "without" ammo is useless. Sorry about the typeo. It will be very easy to restrict the sale and owning of ammunition.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Don, I just don't believe the congress or the senate would ever allow the limit of the amount of ammo a person can buy. To much tax revenue to lose. And if Obama is so against gun control why was one of the first bill he signed allowed permitted gun owners to carry concealed wepons into national parks, maybe he is setting us up, but I don't think so. I do know one thing, hear in Mississippi, we are fighting a few rich people that is wanting to stop our doghunting and I will bet you $10 dollors to a donut not one off them voted democrat, matter of fact thier is a man suing a hunting club for the " invasion of his quitued", not long before that ms outdoors filmed a fishing show in a lake on his place,GOV.Phil Bryant was his guest. Go figure. The American people has to look past the smoke screen fox news is putting out there. I watch all of the News channels plus CSPAN and fox news has gotten more facts wrong then anyone of them.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Worm, its great to live in a country where we can debate and live freely and I am convinced you will never change my mind and I will never change yours, we have had this debate before if you remember, but I still believe Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothes and if he wins this next election I am afraid all of his true self will come out. He is dishonest and crooked and has a way of getting his way because(I believe) he has all of the Muslem money supporting him and money does win elections. I hope and pray that I am wrong and you are right Worm, I really do but I don't think that is the case. Worm there is such a thing as gut feelings and common sense and my gut feeling and old time common horse sense tells me he is evil and dangerous. Again, I pray that I am wrong and you are right, I pray that I won't get the opportunity to tell you "I told you so". Time will tell.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Worm, I understand where you are coming from. I believe that the present congress would not go for this but you can bet congress will change. Every year the older working man with common everyday horse sense is dieing off and being replaced with younger, liberal, goodie grabbing, give me something for nothing, spoiled brats. Especially the people in the north that have no concept of what real living is. They have no concept of country living, on speeddogs they have a site where someone has a hound with a number painted or dyed on him and they are screaming to PETA AND ASPCA and others that these hounds are put in a pen and hunted and the one who kills him gets that many points. This is the mindset of the people who are voting for Obama and will be voting for the congressmen in their areas. Worm, respectfully I admonish you to wake up and smell the roses. Things are changing, get your head out of the sand my friend. Actually I am mistaken, the post is on Masterfox and its by Elrod and its called "check this out". Worm hard working people who enjoy and understand the concept of hunting and sportsmanship are no long the majority, there are some very ignorant people out there at the voting booths.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Don, with all due respect, I am 45 this June, I think, could be wrong, I have a little of that horse sense myself. Explain to me why I should think the Super Rich and big cooperations are looking out for my best interest when the company I work for want's me to take a cut in pay because they can't make enough money, when they spend more money a year on their hoppies than I make. We have a canidate for President who has never pulled a weed out of a garden, said someone would have to show him what end of the gun to load it at, has 4 or 5 homes, his wife drives 2 CADILLACS and I am suppose to believe he would lookout for my kind of folk's. HORSE SENSE? If you would do a little studying you will see that PETA politic against OBAMA and like I said before he signed a bill that ALLOWS permitted people to carry guns into National Parks, HORSE SENSE. Don I know I'm right , that's why I am doing everything I can to help keep deerhunting with hounds in Mississippi, about 20 years ago some very well respected older men with that good old horse sense said deerhunting with dogs would not make it another FIVE YEARS and we are still doing it, and we are going to do it alot longer if everone who hunts will get with all of the younger hunters who want it to last. And I do work hard, 6 and 7 days a week hear lately. I guess over 50% of americans fit that younger, liberal, goodie grabbing,give me something for nothing, spoiled brats, because he was elected and did not have to go to the Supreme court to do it.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

The Democratic Party is less "anti-gun" than back in the 90's when Clinton was President. For some reason they kinda let the whole gun control issue slide to the back burner. I'm assuming they determined it was bad politics to keep pushing it. Not to say they won't push it again in the near future but for the time being they seem to have made gun control a fringe issue that they might promote in the inner cities but they would not campaign on it nation wide.
It does worry me that the Democrats have basically purged all the southern "blue dog" and somewhat conservative members of their party. I think they are moving more toward a gun control type of constituency. They could get there in the next few years. As more and more of the Democrats come from the urban areas they will start pushing policies that make more sense for the urban areas.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Worm, as I stated earlier and you have stated too, "with all due respect", and I do respect your right to think what you want to and vote for who you want to but I can't understand your thinking as hard as I try. You seem to have a grudge for those who have gone into business and make profit and become "rich" as you put it. I think you are having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. Worm, now what motivated these people to go into business? Do you think they began their business(took the risk) just to make jobs for others? Thats ridiculous!!! Their whole reason for taking a risk, many of them borrowed the money to get started, and many of them failed, but yes many do prosper and now you want to take from their profits money to spread to the others. Thats socialism and even somewhat like communism. You forget how much nerve and intellegence it took for them to do this. I don't buy the philosophy that you and our present President have that we need to take from those who are risking(sometimes their life savings plus what they can borrow) to begin a business and who of us need to tell them how much they need to pay their employees. Worm I have worked for someone else all of my life and still do and I have never felt like I needed to tell them how much they needed to pay me. I will work for what they will pay and if I don't like that I will go somewhere else and get a job or go into business for myself. I live in a free country and that is my option. Now if I can't find a job paying more then obviously my employer is being very fair to me. If he is paying me more than anyone else will, then I will be happy with that. If these companies were not making profits then they could not stay in business and if he is a good enough businessman that his profits even soar, GREAT more power to him. He obviously is staying on top of things well enough to prosper. Bottom line, don't gripe about someone elses ability to prosper. If you can't get better pay somewhere else then obviously you don't have much more to offer. I have never had to tell someone how much they should pay me, I know that I am (without stating it) keeping pressure on my employer because he knows that I will leave in a New York minute if I can do better somewhere else so the bottom line is I need to make my employer pay me enough to keep me or he will loose me. Now if I'm not doing an outstanding job and he doesn't feel pressured to keep me then I am at fault for my poor wages. For the most part you appear to be reasonably intellegent, I don't understand why you can't see this!!!! And, yes you are right, those are the kinds that did get Obama voted in and there are getting to be more and more of them every day. The older generation that came up understanding that they had to make their own way and didn't want the govt to interfere is dieing off every day and the younger generation, is becoming more and more and not all but many of them think just like you do unfortunately. Thats why I am fighting so hard to wake up as many as I can. This is a very critical election and I am TOTALLY CONVINCED that another 4 years of this guy will be a disaster!!!!!!!! Now you ended yours with laughter, but I don't see anything to laugh about. I am trying to preserve this country for my children and grandchildren. This is a very serious matter!!! I wish you had to stand in the line with all the Obama supporters and look around you and see who you are in agreement then look at the line of conservative voters and see who they are!!

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Don I was with you 100% until you cracked on us notherners. We have our fair share of knotheads just like you have Worm. We have a whole bunch of good sportsmen also.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Sorry about that. Not saying all of any categoary I was actually referring to the people who live in the big cities in the north that have never seen the country and know nothing about anything except concrete streets, horns blowing, etc. Certainly didn't mean everyone who lives in the North. I should have made myself more clear!! My mistake.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Don I knew what you were meaning I just had to take a shot at Worm.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

I understand but you did teach me a valuable lesson. Sometimes we say or write something before really thinking about what it says. I know there are lots of level headed people all over our country no matter where they live. Thanks for the reminder.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year


Re: obama gun salesman of the year

Heath, it was the tea party that got rid off the blue dogs, the democrats voted for them. Don, I do not have a grudge against anybody who went into business for themselves and created jobs for people. It's the one's who just can't seem to make enough money no matter how much they have. What most people seem to for get the majority of the country makes less than $100,000 a year, but purchase most of the goods. If the middle class is paying more in taxes PER DOLLOR than the RICH they have less money to spend and hurt's them way more than the rich. How easy is it to forget how many jobs tax cuts created from 2000 to 2008. Check this FACT, less than has been created in the last 3.5 years. See Don it's people who think they know everything about everyone who is ruining the Republican Party. I do have a few Republican FREINDS in the Mississippi State House and Senate, I have thier ph #'s in my Phone and can call them at any time and have done so and got some bills killed that was against doghunting. They know what I believe in and they will listen , unlike the U.S. Senators and Congressmen have done for the last 3.5 years. You can blame anyone you want, BUT YOU WILL NEVER CONVIENCE ME THAT A RICH BUSINESS OWNER IS MORE WORRIED ABOUT ME MAKING HIGHER WAGES THAN HIM OR HER PUTTING MORE MONEY IN THIER BANK ACCOUNT OVERSEAS. aND IF YOU BELIEVE THAT I HAVE SOME HOUNDS WILL WIN EVERY FIELD TRIAL YOU GO TO, COME GET THEM.

Don and Mike, why just because someone don't agree with you have to be knotheads.
And Jimmy I have been awake, if you will remember I think I was the one in 2008 told ya Obama would win the election. So wake up man.

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

It's going to be UN forces implemented to come in and take our weapons!!!! The Obama back door team has already negotiated a small arms deal with the UN . This is why the Obama team is dismantleing the armed forces ; as they know most will not take up arms against it's own people!! It's starting ; not as fast as they want but starting just the same. The occupy wall street thing is the vehicle for what will come first [MARSHALL LAW] the plan is to divide and concor ; get everyone against everyone . Listen closely to what is being said ; top down ;to the middle ; top down again now we are all equal [poor;broken of spirit and easy to manage]war on women ; don't care about the old or young ; pitting one american against another .

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

worm you said romney had never pulled any weeds out of a garden how many do you think omama bomma has pulled out

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

DAM !!!!! I wish this recession you guys keep saying Obama has us in will hurry up and get here!!! I have to be up in 3 hours to go back to 16 hour days 7 days a week tomorrow and hounds need hunting and I need a break!!! Maybe you IDIOTS can get Mitt in office so we can go through more bush crap to stop this economy so I can get a few days off!!!!!

Re: obama gun salesman of the year

don't worry workin man (hahaha) if this administration keeps spending $3 for every $2 they make in revenue then we won't have to worry about anyone working. you will be worried about eating. just think about this; life may be good for you now but, this country is in terrible shape. our national debt had doubled since obama got in office. how much longer will it take before our dollar is worth nothing? they just print more money when they need it. like ron paul says you could buy a gallon of gas for a silver nickel in 1933 today you can still buy 1 gallon of gas with that silver nickel. our paper money is worth next to nothing. Until or congress becomes by partisan and just gets stuff fixed and quits worring about making the other party look bad, nothing will get better.

so working man just think, things are good for you now but, how long will it last when the government starts shutting down. people need to wake up. hey you want to listen to someone that has good ideas go to you tube and look up representitive mike kelly from penn, I really like him.