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Cottonseed meal

Has anybody ever put it in feed?what does it do for dogs and pups?Thanks for any help

Re: Cottonseed meal

Believe it is a protein supplement. Texas cattlemen feed it dried up in chunks or big pellets as a supplement to their pastures.

Re: Cottonseed meal

When I had cattle, I used it mixed with salt,to be eaten in small amounts or licked by the cattle.Never heard of use on dogs,but you never get too old to learn something new every day.Good luck and good hunting.

Re: Cottonseed meal

J, I know that there are much better sources of protein than cottonseed meal or cake. Meat scraps would do you much better if you wished to add protein to your hound's daily diet. Try to find some 'cracklings' as the local slaughter house as this would add both fat and protein. Dogs would probably find the taste of the cottonseed to be unpleasant unless you masked it somehow. Just an old man's opinion here.