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food for thought

"Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry
about what Mitt Romney does with his money
than what Barack Obama does with mine."

Re: food for thought

Great quote Debbie, Let's hope enough of us feel this way!..

Re: food for thought

Cause "BO" has the media and all the liberals in his pocket!

And those idiots don't have enough sense to wonder where the money goes.....and the idiots in Congress don't care!!

Somebody better start "CARING" or there will be no more country....we may need to learn to speak "chinese" when they come callin & want their money.

We got "CHANGE" for 4 years and "change" is about all we got left.

So now we need another "CHANGE"!


Re: food for thought

Wow Allan, why don't you quit beating around the bush and being bashful and say what you really mean, ha, ha. I agree with you, great point!! Debbie, you made a great point!!