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Check this out

Check out Rescue Ink. My wife showed me this on Facebook. A b&t jip with #500 bleached on her. Rescue Ink says the number was freezedried on but it was obviously bleached. The dog was picked up in Tennessee. Somebody might recognize it. Rescue Ink says this dog was used in a hunting game where whomever shoots the dog gets 500 points. Caption say 'We need to stop these monsters' $2000 reward. It's hard to believe but check it out!

Re: Check this out

Taken from one of the comments......

Lori Eshelman..... about 6 years ago... i found a male hound branded the same way,but had a (P D) on both sides (not numbers)! this was in Liberty ,Mississippi I took him to the shelter in McComb

Re: Check this out

Some Animal Rights group is trying to train people that when they see a hound with a bleached number they should "rescue" it or in other words, steal it, because the hound has been freeze branded and the number on the hound represents the number of points a person gets for killing it in some kind of game.
The intent seems to be to get folks to steal field trial hounds.

Re: Check this out

Heath.....Seems to be working.....over 2000 comments & over a 1000 likes.....I read most of the comments & seems to me most of those people are a few cards short of a full deck.