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Bobby Parker

Was wondering who won the breeding I donated?

Re: Bobby Parker

Mr. Colvin I'm pretty sure Mr. Howard Shrupp from Fla. won it. I'll try to call him tomorrow and let you know. We appreciate your donation very much. I wish I had won it. I'm a white dog man, but so is Mr Howard.
God Bless

Re: Bobby Parker

Mr colvin wats the breeding on your white hound?

Re: Bobby Parker

Cotton's Rainman (Gunstock Casper x Hardy's Tiny Mite)
Gunstock Snowman (Gunstock Superman x Gunstock Q-Tip)
River Dance Whiteout
Henderson's Cat Squirrel

Re: Bobby Parker

Billy thanks for the help, been tied up getting ready for a hunt. Mike I no loger have the Whiteout dog.

Henderson's Cat Squirrel--Burn's Cannon(Lake Hills Rusty x Blalock's Sugar) and Hell Cat Guinea D.( Ducote's Joby x Ducote's Snow)

Mike we are getting some nice hounds off of Rainman and Snowman and the 1st pups off of Squirrel are looking good.

Bobby thanks for the info and good hunting.

Re: Bobby Parker

Mr. Colvin, I talked to Mr. Howard Shrupp today and He did win the Breeding. He is a super nice guy and a White Dog man to the bone. Once again THANKS for your donation to the Ogeechhee River Foxhunters. Hope to get to meet you one day.
God Bless