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There are people up in arms about a hound found in TN with a number bleached on it's sides. They are saying it is freeze branded and offering a reward to track down the horrid person who could do such a thing. What do you guys think. I am sure you have more first hand knowledge than I do. I can't post the pics here but this is the link. If you don't want to click strange link the company is called rescue ink (They get a lot of media attention) and it is posted on their facebook page under wall photos. There are 3 pics. I am just curious if you agree that this is a freeze brand. It does not look like one I have ever seen. THANKS, Robin


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Ive seen that pic that number was clearly bleched on who ever said that was a freeze brand has never seen one before

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If it was branded it would be bald, and very apparent for example livestock that is branded either through hot,or freeze brand. Another point I do not know the whole story about this dog because just like all media attention they doctor the story but it being numbered and picked up by whomever was probably ran outside of a pen and had been out for a couple of days so therefore it was a little lean, but they make a big deal that it is to skinny, well here is an interesting fact look at michael phelps, then look at the dog. People are so narrow minded they only see one thing; there obese house dog that or cat and then they look at this dog which is bred just like all dogs from previous times to do a job and that is hunt. They say the dog is to skinny but think it is cute when there dog or cat is morbidly obese like the cat on the news the past couple of days, that thing would not even get out of the way. Then they also make an argument that if it is bleached that that is also cruelty, well if that is cruelty then all hair saloons would be shut down. People are truly ignorant, single minded, naive people who believe what this organization or whomever posted this who is affiliated with this so called miracle organization has stated. Just like they believe that Obama has done nothing but good things for this country. Sheltered people are the real problem with this country, just like for every comment on that page talking about how cruel this is another is right underneath it stating that it is not true and giving supporting details as to why it is not. Then low and behold someone right underneath that states that they can not believe someone would do such a thing. Really?

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Folks, this is what a large majority of our country has come to. Lots of for the lack of better words "city slickers", people who have no real concept of what life and living is all about. They don't want us to eat meat, hunt game, and many other things that those of us who have been around for a while know to be good wholesome living. Common horse sense is quickly becoming non existent and its becoming more and more prevalent in the younger generation. People, we need to wake up and get our heads out of the sand and get to the polls and stand up for what we believe. We are being out voted because these people are going to the polls and many of us are not. I just can't believe that there are so many who cannot see this!!!!

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Thank you a lot. I worked as an animal control officer in Colorado and saw a lot doing that work... So many people will look at something and see cruelty. That little dog probably had a great life doing what she was designed to do.. Hunt. I am pro hunting but not a hunter and I love to see working dogs doing what they were bred to do so I try to advocate for taking the time to see the difference between cruelty and unusual. I can't see that there is any unreasonable pain and suffering going on with this dog but wanted to run it past people with more hunting experience than what I have before coming to an uneducated conclusion. This pic and story made it onto an animal welfare officer forum this morning so I was researching it a bit. Thanks again for the comments and please folks don't hesitate to add more replies. I am interested!

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It's the same Clairol dye and bleach sold at Walmart , that the 'ladies' put on in their home bathrooms. The only difference is they wash it off in the shower and we wash it off with a garden hose.

Numbering and lettering dogs is used for field trials, for identification when deer hunting, and as a deterrent to thieves.

Of course , that's a boring story.

So lets turn it into 'branding' our poor animals.....anything to sell their point.

Sad thing is, the same ones who think hamburger comes from a magical plastic wrapped container, believe anything they read. And worse than that...they are allowed to vote.

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That is the whole point I have been trying to make. They vote and there are quickly getting to be more of them than us. There are so many people who are like the person who jumped out of the 20 story bldg and as they passed by the 10 floor someone asked them how they were doing and they answered "so far everything is ok". As I said, I can't believe there are so many people who can't see what is happening. And to think that we have people who are hunters and that read this forum every day that are still voting for the ones who support this ridiculous way of thinking!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

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Just like Obama is letting thousands of mexicans cross the border he is now going on a big campaign for supporting mexicans. But still people support him, go to the NRA website and watch that 30 min presentation the president made and see what he says.

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If you think something like this cannot happen in your area you need to wake up... It can and does happen everywhere.. I live in the Ozark Mountains of Northwest/Central Arkansas... We are having so many people move here from "off" and they are bringing their way of thinking with them and it is rubbing off on our young people.. I am a teacher and basketball coach at a school of around 1000 students and it is unbelievable how our kids have changed over the past 5-10 years... We are losing our culture.. Not only because of others moving in but from the technology our young people are exposed to. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to technology, but would like to see a little more control by parents as to what kids are exposed to... With the internet, cell phones and sattelite TV they are exposed to more liberal views every day. Parents need to limit what their kids do as far as those things and put them outside doing something. I have been blessed with a son (21 now) that probably hasn't spent more than a week total on the computer or in front of a tv playing video games in his 21years. Other than stuff he had to use the computer for in school... When he was small he would rather have a stick (gun to him) to play with than some store bought toy....He can actually carry on a sensible conversation with almost anyone from any walk of life... I am proud of him for being "one of us".. He understands where all of this falls in everyday life... but.... we have so many now that are not getting the upbringing and guidance they need. Schools and the internet are left to educate and raise so many these days... I have mentioned to our Superintendent here that I wish he would let me teach an elective class here just on Native Culture... We are losing it... Kids and many young adults don't know how to do anything for themselves... Wouldn't even know the first thing about how to grow a garden or dress a deer or hog or anything like that.... It just drives me nuts seeing this.... I have been in the public school system 27 years now.... One more and I can draw a menial retirement... I've had all I can stand of seeing this and can't do anything to stop it... I'm done after next year... I hate to think how things will be in 10 years if they continue on as they have the past few.....

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Common Sense
Just like Obama is letting thousands of mexicans cross the border he is now going on a big campaign for supporting mexicans. But still people support him, go to the NRA website and watch that 30 min presentation the president made and see what he says.

Guess what....Bush Jr. let Mexicans cross the border, Buch Sr. let Mexicans cross the border, Clinton let Mexicans cross the border. This isn't an Obama thing it's been going on for years. You can bet the big produce growers out west all support the Mexicans. If you could push a button and magically make all illegals disappear, the country would be in a major bind. The Mexicans are risking death to come over here and work. We have citizens over here that would rather die than work. I say, keep the Mexicans over here and ship all the welfare lifers to Mexico.

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re people not knowing how to dress out a deer. I spent some time out in central Colorado looking for some one who could teach me the basics on how to dress a deer or elk. I could not find anyone in my circle that knew how. The ones that hunted were more interested in population control or just getting a nice head for the wall. There were some urban homesteading groups that could get you started on rabbits or chickens but it amazed me on how few hunters there were that wanted the meat or hide. Anyway I am glad you are here and have not forgotten that dinner does not start at a grocery store.

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Well...What I read on that site is that the reason the dog was "Branded" with a number was to tell the hunter how many points the dog was worth when shot & killed....They kept saying that this dog was worth 500 points because that was the # on the dog......Bad part is 2000 plus people who visited that site have no idea & think this is true....

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So I checked out the link and all I can say is wow!! How stupid are these people.. not only the ones that posted it, but the ones that commented on it as well.. I mean come on haha let's get real for a second.. we're surrounded by idiots.. but we all knew that when Obama got elected

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I just meant that he is supporting mexicans to get that vote. Do not get me wrong I am aware that the border has been like that for years but I am just saying now he is campaigning on Mexicans to get there vote just like he did for welfare recipients for his first election which is why it had been the biggest turn out for a presidential election. But back to the original post it ludicrous now how people are so sheltered and only know things from what they see on a screen instead of what goes on outside. They doctored this story just to get ratings just like all news media. There was another post on that about someone saying they know people who has 20 dogs and someone else questioning why do they have so many. It is ridiculous what we consider common sense they think is far fetched. We take common sense for granted.

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the dog has been bleached with hair die. it dont hurt the dog in any way. the numbers are used to identify the dog at a distance. the dog was probably lost is why it was skinny. freeze branding will cause the hair to fall out and to grow back white as a piece of cotton. any so called vet who said this was a freeze brand i wouldnt ever bring any of my animals to. as far as i know the only people who would shoot a dog like that as some sort of sick game would be a limited number of people who like to shot dogs for trespassing witch is the lowest of the low. these people on that link are quite obviously spreading ridiculous lies and people are eating it up.