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Dog wormer

What does everybody like to use?

Re: Dog wormer

Re: Dog wormer


Re: Dog wormer

We use Drontal Plus from a vet. Around $10 per pill and give the dog one pill and then 12-14 days later give the other pill. Knocks everything out of them. It's well worth $20 to get it all out at one time.

Re: Dog wormer

Worm out. It get's almost everything.. Still ivomec each month...

Re: Dog wormer

I use the Drontel Plus,it is a little cheaper in our area,but not much. I too use Ivommec once a month.Good luck and good hunting.

Re: Dog wormer

6cc's of Pyrantal Pamoate with 3/4cc of ivomec for heart worm preventative mixed in with it every 6 to 7 weeks and once every 6 mos safeguard or panacur(same thing), three day treatment to keep whips and tapes away.

Re: Dog wormer
