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Lost dog

We hunt A big area on the outside in upcountry SC and I lost a young dog that is good about homming in.I tried to walk him down but dog seems to be going away from the tracker seems like he has gotten spooked for some reason.HE has been in the same area for 2 weeks and I just cant git him.I am going to turn out in that area and hope he comes into the other dogs I have never lost a dog this long.Question is whats the longest you boys ever lost a dog before gitting it back? Thanks for your time.Josh Fowler

Re: Lost dog

I had one get out of its pen and stay gone for 2 1/2 weeks before she finally came home.. maybe it'll pack up with your other dogs man.. good luck gettin it back

Re: Lost dog

I turned one out at a feild trail at Cherry Hill Arkansas and it showed up a month later at Y City Arkansas that is over two mountains away

Re: Lost dog

I have had them gone 6 months several times before I bought tracking units and over a year one time. If it gets spooked it is hard to get. If you have a pen mate or something to turn loose with it sometimes it will work. The last one I had out for 6 months did not recognize me but when he seen my old truck he was all about going home.

Re: Lost dog

My son had lost his first deer dog when he was about 9 years old for almost a year.he had picked this pup up off the side off the road where he had been left not more than 8 or 9 weeks old. We were bow hunting the next october after he got lost the november deer season before. he was on our deer lease with a broke leg, when we walked up on him you would thought we had found a gold mine. We took him home and fixed him up. was probably the best deer dog we ever had. half hound and half blue healer is what he looked liked.other hunters would laugh at him when would come out of the box, but that stopped when he would cross with the lead barking everytime his feet hit the ground