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question for anybody who knows..

I have always ran my dogs for long periods of time to keep them in shape. 9 times out of 10 times when I cast them at 8pm it ain't nothing for them to still be hammered down 12 hrs later because they have learned to pace themselves. With them doing that it has slowed them down to where they'll run a track perfect, but I believe they are too slow for field trailing.. My question is, is there any way to get them to pick up their speed again? Maybe run them just three or four hour hunts instead? I'm just trying to get into field trailing so any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks

Re: question for anybody who knows..

You might try to reprogram them. Start running them like the guys that are training them from the beginning to run trials. Turn them loose just before daylight and start catching them up in 5 to 6 hrs and it will take a while to get this done but this might help. It won't be easy to catch them up for a while but hounds learn by repetition, and if you just stick with this type of running they will probably adapt.

Re: question for anybody who knows..

Thank ya man.. I'll give it a shot and see