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How much for pups and grown dogs and how often?

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1/10 CC for puppies & 1/2 CC for grown dogs once a month is how we give it

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Ivomec is not the best wormer for hooks and rounds anyway. There are many wormers that are better, one being Pyrantal Pamoate and another Panacur or Safeguard which is about the same as Panacur. The main thing that ivomec is good for is prevention of heart worms and the above doseage described is plenty. I use just very little on my pups until they are 3 months old then about every 6 to 7 weeks I use 1cc of pyrantal for every 10 lbs body weight plus about 1/2cc of ivomec mixed with it. It takes nearly 2 months for heart worms to develop so if your hounds get just a little ivomec about every 50 days or so you are safe. Some people use it exclusively for all their worming and it is a fair wormer but certainly not the best, there are several that are better for general worming.