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Prayers Needed

Please keep Bobo Ebarb in your prayers !!!! They found cancer on his brain an have him in ICU waiting on the swellon to go down so they can do surgery to remove it. I'm going up to see him tonight an get a better report ...

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers for BoBo from Baileyville

Re: Prayers Needed

Sending now tic!!!!

Re: Prayers Needed

TIC,,,I'll keep Bobo and his family in my prayers...keep us posted on his condition..JH

Re: Prayers Needed

Bobo is in our prayers. Let us know how he is doing tic.

Re: Prayers Needed

Keeping BoBo and his family in my prayers!!!
please keep us posted!!!

Re: Prayers Needed

Get well soon Bobo!!

Re: Prayers Needed

I am definatley praying for Mr Bo Bo and his family! Please keep us updated tic!

Re: Prayers Needed

Keepin you and your family in our prayers

Re: Prayers Needed

Dalgo's Kennel is in prayer for Bo Bo.

Re: Prayers Needed

Will be praying for Bo Bo.

Re: Prayers Needed

Tic keep us posted we praying for Bobo and his family.

Re: Prayers Needed

You or in our prayers buddy hope you get better soon

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers going out to BoBo from me, Tyler and Dad

Re: Prayers Needed

sending prayers your way bo bo from the trawicks

Re: Prayers Needed

Bo Bo Your in our prayers buddy just stay strong and you'll be running them ole hounds again before you know it

Re: Prayers Needed

From Rockin C's Kennels we have you in our prayers and wish you a speedy recovery.

Re: Prayers Needed

Hey guys I know bobo appreciates the prayers never underestimate the power of prayer. Thanks

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers coming from Springfield. God's still in the healing business. Praying for complete healing!

Re: Prayers Needed

Bo Bo you are definetly in our prayers.....Tic please keep us posted.........

Re: Prayers Needed

I'm leaving the hospital now an bobo is in good spirits the swellIng seems to be going down so maybe they can do the surgery sometime in the morning. He wanted me to tell everyone thanks for the prayers !!!!

Re: Prayers Needed

Get well soon BoBo , will be praying for ya bud

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers sent from the Bonner family!

Re: Prayers Needed

Our prayers go out to BoBo and his family.

Re: Prayers Needed


Re: Prayers Needed


Re: Prayers Needed

Man i hate to hear this, prayers your way good friend. Hope everything goes well.

Re: Prayers Needed

Bo Bo We are praying for you buddy.Tina if there is anything we can do please let us know

Re: Prayers Needed

praying for you buddy. if anything I can do please let me know

Re: Prayers Needed

BOBO Triple S Kennel is praying for you

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers to you and your family

Re: Prayers Needed

Hoping him the best

Re: Prayers Needed

Bobo goes into surgery at noon today dr says it should only be a 2hr surgery. The good news is the dr don't think that removing the mass on his brain is gonna affect him any at all an he also said that where it is located he feels like bobo will be fully recovered in 2 weeks ... Tina, bobo wife is gonna keep me posted once he goes into surgery so I can keep everyone updated, bobo told me this morning don't worry tic I got this under control !!!!! So atleast he is in good spirits about it .

Re: Prayers Needed

Bobo is out of surgery , the dr said everything went as planned he removed the whole mass without damaging any part of the brain. Now he has to recover which shouldn't be a problem .. Power of prayer is unbelievable

Re: Prayers Needed

Thank GOD for his recovery. Bo Bo is a good fellow foxhunter that I consider a friend and wish him well.

Re: Prayers Needed

i hope for you a speedy recovery and our prayers will be with you.

Re: Prayers Needed

Prayers sent from New Iberia.La.

Re: Prayers Needed

How is Bo Bo? Been prayin for him. How is he kin to Keith Ebarb?

Re: Prayers Needed

Our prayers with u bobo hope u do good

Re: Prayers Needed

We'll keep Bobo n our prayers! The Ingram Family ( Jeff,Dana,Lizzie,Abby an Gracie.

Re: Prayers Needed

We are Keepin Bobo and his family in our prayers.

Re: Prayers Needed

Bobo is doing great he is recovering as good as the dr has seen in sometime !!!! I will be in his on room tomorrow an will be there a few days as of now !!! They hoping Monday or Tuesday he will be released if everything keeps progressing like it is now . He can talk on the phone an has talked to several people so if u have his number an want to call him I think he would really enjoy it, he told me this evening he has wore the pages out in this months Hunters Horn ... I will update tomorrow . Thanks

Re: Prayers Needed

Good deal!!!!!

Re: Prayers Needed

let him know we continue to pray for him and his family!!!!

Re: Prayers Needed

Bobo wanted me to post this for him. He is at home now and doing good in fact he said he doing so good he is going to try and run some of his puppies this Sunday.