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Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Im looking for the pretty bird or any of her sisters like april bird. They were outta Bushley Creek Rowdy 2 & Wilsons Redbird. If anybody knows where they leave phone # and ill call ya.

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Who wants to know? I could help you if I knew who you were.

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

I didn't mean to sound like a smart azz, but i don't like giving info out to people i don't know.

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Well who is towerdog?

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Towerdog is Chris Hooks u wanta Know anything else just ask me

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Nice to see who is using the Hack Road hijacker, jr name as well.....

Re: Does anybody know where Wilsons Pretty Bird is?

Everybodys nightmare