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Dogs For Sale

1)bb male off East Coast Hollywood/Mcgees Sara turns 2 in Aug
2)bb gyp off South Guyton Get up/Real Deal Stripetease turns 2 in July
3)bb male off South Guyton Get up/South Guyton Daisy turned a yr old in April
4)bb male off ch. Golden Scooter/Real Deal Precious turned yr old in Jan.
5)bb male off ch. Goldens Scooter/Real Deal Stripetease turned a yr old in mar.
6)pup off Ch. Brazells Hustler/Real Deals Lucy( Sticker gyp)
7)Brood gyp off East Coast Hollywood/Harts town clown
Will make someone good feild trail dogs. For more info call Josh 612-661-4319.

Re: Dogs For Sale

The area code is 912

Re: Dogs For Sale


Re: Dogs For Sale


Re: Dogs For Sale

Josh do u have the litt enroll on the getup and daisey cross

Re: Dogs For Sale
