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250$$ showdown

Congratulations to big creek and cash on y'all impressive win today .

Re: 250$$ showdown

Who all placed

Re: 250$$ showdown

The boys that wore me out won the most !!!!

Re: 250$$ showdown

Well gate last time I checked tic and Roy didnt turn any body down that wanted to run

Re: 250$$ showdown

Wow!!!! How can somebody complain about who ran there dogs the most there!!! Really!!Come on man!! I just can't see anything wrong with a Lil home field advantage!!! If your going to a hunt like this ,why wouldn't you want to get in a Lil practice .I would think you could use all the running there you could handle!!! I guess I know I didn't have anything to go to something like this so guess I should just hush!!! Congrats to top notch and all that placed!!! God bless and happy hunting/running!!!

Re: 250$$ showdown

The dogs that stayed in the woods and OUT of the roads placed and that's a fact.

Re: 250$$ showdown
