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Golden Run for Kids Hunt

The hunt went very well. We were able to send over $5,700.00 to the kids.Thanks to everyone who gave money and sent items to be auctioned.Thanks to Paul and Sylvia Tribble for the use of the pen and Scott and Karen Head for their help.Additional thanks to Tim Freeman and family for selling fish and Boston Butts and donating the proceeds.Also,thanks to the judges for donating their time and expenses.What a great cause.I had a new grandson born on Wednesday and was late getting to the hunt, but Ken Ezell,Danny Benefield and Paul Isbell took care of everything until I got there.Thanks guys. By the way, Jon Alex is doing well, and I got to rock him today.

Re: Golden Run for Kids Hunt

Larry congrats on the new grandbaby. We have one due in July and can't wait. Congrats to all on a good hunt for a great cause. Great job done by all of you. Was wondering if the results will be posted? Congrats to the winners and all that placed.