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What do you think about Garmin?

Just wondering what everyone likes and dislikes about the Garmin 320 and the DC 40 collars? Looking into gettin some. Thanks

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

They all suck

Re: What do you think about Garmin?


Re: What do you think about Garmin?

They are good to have but not reliable at all

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

A Garmin system is very similar to a Murray lawnmower.

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

The 220 is better dc40 had no problem

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

I personaly know 2 out side hunters that lost dogs last year because the collars went out on them. Now these hunters hunt with quicktrack and the garmin collars. We also had one hunter had a dog get in a beaver trap and when the dog went under water the signal you could not pick it up. Traper called him 2 days later and told him what had happend to his dog. I would hunt with both!

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

Thanks for the info!

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

I have the 320 with 9 DC 40 collars. I love it. Haven't any major problems with it. Haven't used it on the outside yet though. Of course u occasionally have trouble with signal but overall you can't beat it. There is no guessing to it. Like the man said above, you gotta take time and know how to work it!!

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

They are extremely nice to have, especially during field trials when you want to get on dogs quickly. The flaws are, if you are going to hunt on the outside you "must" use a tracking collar with it, the battery only last about 17 hours when fully charged. They aren't comparable to being as durable as the Johnon's or Quick tracks either. I have 10 collars and a 220. I think 6 of the 10 have been sent off for repair, and 2 of the 4 that haven't been sent in have had new antennas put on them. The other 2 are only about 4 months old. And I have also had to get a new gps. My system is just now about 16 months old and have had this much trouble with them.
They are worth every dime you have to spend on them when they are working correctly, but the durability is pothetic.
Garmin also ticks me off because they will not donate anything to our hunts. Johnson, Quick trak, and a few others have given lots of money and certificates to help us hunters out.

Re: What do you think about Garmin?

Do they have any warranty on these systems? And how are they to deal with when there is a problem?