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Wolf Hound/ no results

I have been looking for the results of the Wolf Hound but have not seen them but Might have missed them. I hear it was a sure enough tough hunt to finish so does anyone know how many finished it.

Re: Wolf Hound/ no results

Chip Brenda has been back and fourth to the dr this week, they haven't been posted yet, but as soon as she gets a chance she will.
From looking at the score sheets I don't think but around 12 were scratched the last day that was casted. There were several W/D's the last morning, but what casted was some outstanding hounds. I'd say close to 60 finished. The high dog the last day was Ducotes and Skinny's, scoring 655 points, which also was the winner. The 2nd high dog was Webb's Queen scoring 650, she placed 4th. 3rd high dog was Jackie's Make-up scoring 540, she placed 3rd. I had the 4th high dog with 510, but didn't have a good score going into the last day, she didn't place. As you can see the judges worked their tails off and Mr. Ronnie and Ms. Bonnie had the pen in excellent shape. Coyotes behind every bush.

Re: Wolf Hound/ no results

Sounds good bird. Iwas told there was only a few finished. Ronnie allways has plenty game and that was some heck of last day svores.