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Brake Fluid?

I'm sure there will be different opinions about this but do you all find brake fluid safe for hounds and is there any type better/safer than others? Do you all just spray it on & let it do it's thing? Thanks

Re: Brake Fluid?

what's it for? I might be missing out on something useful.

Re: Brake Fluid?

I use it to put on hot spots and also for ear mites. Have never sprayed the entire dog. Any brand or kind will do.

Re: Brake Fluid?

Sorry I guess I did leave that wide open. I was talking about removing field trial numbers. I have tried the citrus spray also but it is aggravating and pricey. How does the soy gel work?

Re: Brake Fluid?

I've used everything over the years to get paint off, but as i've gotten older, i've got lazier, therefore, for many years now i've been using Dot 3 brake fluid. I'm sure it's probably not the most healthy for a dog, but, knock on wood, i haven't had any ill effects from it to date. I just spray on several days in a row, and let it do its thing. Key to it working right and faster is: as soon as you catch your dog after the hunt, put the blanket back on to avoid as much dirt as possible getting on the number further. Keep most of the dirt out of it and it comes off in a couple days.

Re: Brake Fluid?

The soy gel does not work very good for us. Always had the best luck with the citruis strip

Re: Brake Fluid?

acetone works best for us!!!!

Re: Brake Fluid?

First...DO NOT use any type Brake Fluid other than DOT 3!!! Some of the other stuff will kill them.

Second....just passin on what works for me....spray some acetone on the paint....rub it in with your fingers....then spray or paint Citrus Strip on number....let it set for 20 minutes...take a small bristle wire brush and rub the number.....it will break up the paint....then wash out dog, or I actually take paper towels and wipe it off....then repeat the process. For me, 90% will be gone after second time...but I do it a third time. Process takes about an hour per hound, but it is much safer & healthier for the hound...and easier for me.

Third...if you use brake fluid...spray on the number...leave for about 30 minutes....spray acetone....work it out with a brush...wipe off...spray again...and repeat with acetone...then wash out hound. Washing will keep it from drying out the skin and becoming a bit scaly.

Hope this may help some.....not an expert...but it works pretty good for me!


Re: Brake Fluid?

Brake fliud 3 days and a briar patch

Re: Brake Fluid?

Brent that's how I get the paint out or if I can't go run I will put citrus strip or soy gel on it and work it out